", Specs: "Sure. ][Lincoln takes a quick peek, only to see that his sisters are just as ready as he is; the clock hits 7:00 AM. "[Giggling, Lily throws a beet, juice, and finally another beet at Lincoln. ["Vanzilla"] ]Lincoln: [on radio] "Road Tripper to Nose Bleeder. Or as we affectionately call it: 'Vanzilla'. ", [Ace notices that everyone else in the house has fallen asleep. It was meant to be the finale of the 3rd season, but scrapped after it's production was done. As long as Jewel isn't near me. [grabs his radio] "Nose Bleeder, this is Couch Potato. The Sweet Spot (Lincoln was in his room he shared with his brother, Lucas "Dipper" Loud, who was sleeping while he packed for the road trip tomorrow him and the Loud family were going on.) Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy -- causing craziness in the house. The Loud House (2016-): Season 1, Episode 5 - The Sweet Spot/A Tale of Two Tables - full transcript Lincoln tries to prove that he's mature enough to sit at the grown-up table./Lincoln comes up with a plan to claim the best seat in the family van for a long road trip. "Lisa: [calculating on the trunk door] "According to my calculations, the Sweet Spot is actually the best seat in the car for various reasons including air circulation, proximity to parental units, and the lack of chewable adhesive on the cushion. He steps on Cliff's tail. Luan: We did. ]Lynn Sr.: [weeping] "That was my first car! Everyone's asleep." [starts rapidly punching Lincoln; end flashback. ], Ace: "And this seat has the exact opposite problem. View source. ", [Flashback; Trinket and Scribbles look at each other angrily while Ace is seen with a comic book and soda between them. So I should get it! Rita, Lynn Sr., Lucy, Lisa, and the twins are watching TV when something opens the door. Time to put the third P: Problem Solving into action. [shakes her awake] "Oh, good. Lynn: If so I need to get down their so I can get the best spot! Leni: (confused) Uhh, I wanted to borrow it first. The Evil Twins-Gregor Narholz[Lincoln sees his sisters found his plans] You're awake. Those cards might have fallen off on their trek to Vanzilla. ", Jewel: "That's not the hot issue right now. I feel the impending doom. Lola: Okay I just finished cleaning off the coffee table. The Sweet Spot: The night before the family road trip, Lincoln makes plans to claim the "sweet spot", the one comfortable seat in the family van. Her colleagues all murmur amongst each other in confusion] "I know. [Wails crazily and heads out the door to catch the best spot on the sofa.]. Forest: "Great job. ], Specs: "Where is a low-flying plane when you need one? [Lincoln hastily runs out of the kitchen, his sticky note floating down to the bottom of the fridge from the force of him slamming the door. I'm on the spring seat!" [goes back to sleep], Alice: [having another nightmare] "SOCKS WITH SANDALS! Rita, Lynn Sr., Lucy, Lisa, and the twins are watching TV when something opens the door. "No Guts, No Glori" Lisa: "It's our only option to stop this mechanical mayhem!" Warning: low memory." [kisses his forehead and leaves] ]Lori: [terrified] "Lincoln, I'm warning you! Lincoln: (sighs) No, I'm just getting some Band-Aids to help all my bruises and cuts go away. Lori: We just need to find the best spot. ], Prince: [weeping] "That was my first car! The lights in the other rooms have turned off. "I totally have to text that to Wacky! Lisa: "It's unresponsive! Lisa: "It's a family-safe app designed to organize rides with Mother." ", [A defeated Ace walks back in his room and furiously puts his duffle bag on his dresser. Not a problem, I'll just add more memory." ", [Flashback to Scribbles sitting behind Ace and torturing him with a peashooter. "[End flashback]Lincoln: "No problem. Show me what you got! The Loud kids go back to their rooms, waiting impatiently for the clock to strike 7:00. [x's out more seats until he points to the first seat from the second row.] "There's the sticky, the soggy, the springy, and the slanty. [Making a deal with Specs] "So, you'll sit behind me tomorrow? ", [The girls all glare at Ace, demanding him to hand over the Sweet Spot. ], [Rita drives Vanzilla down the street with Leni, Luan, Lynn, and Lana] I guess I should have known that in a family this big, you just can't control every little thing. [continues to sob]Rita: [enraged] "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE, BACK INSIDE! "[Lana fires a pea right into his mouth and he starts choking; flashback to a trip where Lori was behind him. Clyde: What if they find out about your plan to get the spot on the couch like they did with your previous plan? Must have run out of memory. Now, if you'll excuse mepressing engagement!" - Crashing through the crowded halls Dodging girls like Ping-Pong balls Screenshot. Warning: low memory." Lincoln: "It's called Find My Pal. Lincoln: I'm watching TV, what do you expect? Leni: (glares) Or you're trying to use the best spot before us! Lola: Not before I get it first, he already ruined our family trip he's NOT going to ruin our punishment of sitting on the couch! Lily was in the back. Luan: "Mom, I'm gonna need a pick-up from the Chortle Portal today." The sweet spot: script revision. Episode When Rita (in silhouette) is yelling at the kids about Vanzilla, it is believed her and Lynn Sr.'s room is upstairs, but the room they are in after Vanzilla is destroyed is Leni's and Lori's room, when their room is next to the living room. [commences poem] "My love is like water. Sorry, need to borrow a few gigs of your memory." We haven't even left the driveway yet! / Lincoln devises a plan to get the best seat in the car for a long, family, road trip. ", [Back to the Sweet Spot. And. Leni: Looks like a lot of us feel bad for what we did. It's revealed that Luna's singing gives Lisa tinnitus. (They hear a knock on the door as Lincoln opens it to find Leni standing at the door). The rest of them looked uninjured. Smell my new flower!" I think I can move some things around to accommodate you. You- [ Grunting while tearing the script apart ] I'm gonna-What? Lynn Sr.: " Ba-da-ba-ba-ba " [The kids enter the kitchen to see their dad with better food] " Loud Cloud is saving the day, serving up convenience while I serve souffl! [Laughs], [switch over to Trinket giving Lincoln a manicure while his hand is oddly bobbing up and down. [They head upstairs to find Lynn's tennis machine aimed at them. Kids (except Lily): [Groaning in ascending tone of voice] "Awww! [Lincoln can be heard grunting in pain as he gets pelted by tennis balls. [looks down at the family van] Every seat in Vanzilla offers one kind of torture or another." Rita: "Just leave me a sticky note, sweetie. Lori: Well if we're going to make anybody feel better first it should be mom and dad, especially after the nightmare they literally just went through dealing with all of us. Eleven-year-old Lincoln Loud gives viewers an inside look at how to survive the chaos of a huge household, especially as the only boy with ten sisters! This leads to a chain of deals and agreements between Lincoln and his other sisters, as to who gets to sit next to who. Which means", "Tires could blow, a low-flying plane could shear the roof off, the brakes could fail, and we could plunge off a cliff", "It's safer there anyway in case the engine comes loose and flies into the car, crushing everyone up front. Kimberly Bowman . I followed the recipe!" Episode Guide As the only boy, 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. ], Ace: [voice vibrating; bobbing up and down due to the spring] "I can't! Lincoln began to feel depressed), Lincoln: (to the viewers) I'm sorry you had to see that. ], Whistle: "Don't even think about it, Ace. Lucy: It was so we can enjoy a family vacation. ], Ace: "ALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA! Lynn Sr.: "Whoa. While Lily does not appear in this episode, she is heard in a flashback. "Lily: [walking in the background] "Poo-poo! Lisa: "We have to reset the supercomputer or risk losing everything on the Loud Cloud!" Rita: [off-screen] "Lincoln, the bus is here!" "Clyde: "That's awesome. [Switch over to when he sat next to Lynn. Project Loud House/In Tents Debate 5. Lincoln: [laughs nervously] "Don't worry. And it's going to be mine!" Keep that thing away from me! Having the wrong sister next to me could totally wreck the sweet spot. Along Came a Sister/Chore and Peace 4. Lucy: Well I feel bad because Lynn kicked me out of the room, and I also feel bad because I didn't get a chance to look at the shark aquarium they had. I want to borrow his couch plans! Head east." ][As Lincoln has to endure the pressure even longer, Lucy walks over. I don't need to get ralphed on by the Princess of Puke. Lincoln: "Actually, Lisa and I have a new system that I think is gonna make all of our lives a lot easier." [writes a sticky note] "'Lincoln, pickup, Gus's.'" ", Forest: "Sorry, Road Tripper. [Lincoln sneaking into Leni's room] (Suddenly all the sisters rush upstairs and raid Lincoln's room). Storyboard by The Loud House is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino. [takes out a USB drive and plugs it in] The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Lincoln Loud's ABCs of Getting the Last Slice, Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge, During that time, the video file had the episodes switched. "Lori: "Well, if that's the best seat, then I should get it. Everyone (except Lily) with the destroyed van. Lisa! Lincoln: "Night, Lis." Lori: Ugh! "[Flashback to a road trip with a dazed Leni with Lincoln looking at her. Lincoln: "Yeah! I just have to be the first one out the door tomorrow." YOU'RE GOING TO SPEND THIS WEEKEND SITTING TOGETHER IN THE LIVING ROOM UNTIL YOU LEARN TO GET ALONG!!! We have no choice. "Lola: [Annoyed] "What are you up to, Lincoln? The Sweet Spot is The Simpsons/The Loud House parody. Don't believe me?" ]Lincoln: "I got it! [pause] So, who's sitting behind you? Water. "Lincoln: "Because I'm being sweet? Chris Savino But we'll lose everything!" You're gonna need Patience, Perseverance, and most importantly, Problem Solving. He scrambles on board the bus as dark clouds form. Rita: "Hmm. Rita: BUT, I still want all of you to sit together and get along for the weekend. I'm sure you're wondering why we gathered you here today." And in the end, that's just for the best. Damn you Chris Savino! In the end, we couldn't go on our vacation, because the van was destroyed. And my dad's first car! One, two, three!" [The tennis ball machine keeps firing at the supercomputer, removing a drive and damaging the computer.] Picture Perfect/Undie Pressure 8. [peeks out of his room to see his sisters doing the same. [Switch over to when he sat next to Whistle. The following is a transcript for the episode "The Sweet Spot". ], [Cut back to Ace's room; Ace x's out that seat and points to the back row. HELP!!! ], [Luna, Lola, and Luan are on the couch when Lincoln and Lisa approach] Tonight, we have fettuccine Lynn-fredo." 4a [turns around and realizes] "Gah!" With these three steps, you'll get into the bathroom every time." ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? Driving Miss Hazy/No Guts, No Glori 3. ], Alice: [having a fashion nightmare] "Oh, scrunchies! "[They slap the mattress with Lincoln's seating chart onto his window, having found out about his operation. [accidentally enters an old woman's house, startling the cat and owner. You Make Me Wanna Dance (b)-Richard Myhill[Lincoln doing exercises] ", Specs: [calculating on the trunk door] "According to my calculations, the Sweet Spot is actually the best seat in the car for various reasons including air circulation, proximity to parental units, and the lack of chewable adhesive on the cushion. However, by this time, the girls have gotten suspicious of Lincoln's intent, and after discovering his seating chart, they confront him about it. Stay with me! I guess I can't always read my recipe cards through the, you know, stains, grease, and onion tears." Lynn Sr.: "Kids! "Clyde: "Excellent! I guess I should have known that in a family this big, you just can't control every little thing." [squirts water from flower, but Lincoln ducks just in the nick of time. Sorry, Mr. Lynn Sr.: Alright honey, you remember the rules? Can someone bring me a new roll?! In addition to this, Lincoln likes sitting next to Leni because she gets dizzy during car rides and won't bother him. Todd: [with a tennis ball in his left eye] "IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING GREEN OR IS IT JUST ME?" They peek inside the house to find all the appliances going haywire.] ]Lincoln: [wrapping up] "Like I said, surviving in a big family can be challenging. ", Ace: [acting] "Me? "[Lincoln shouts in anger and goes back to his room. I should've realized a long time ago that I can't always get what I want, especially in a house with ten sisters. "Lana: "You stop looking at me! ", [Leni takes selfies of herself in various outfits.] [vomits on Lincoln and takes a picture of her vomit.] [The family has assembled in the living room with Lincoln and Lisa in front of a massive tarp.] True, she won't shut up about all the dangers of car travel"[Flashback to Lisa behind Lincoln. Meanwhile Lynn Sr. is still being attacked by the appliances] [continues]Lucy: [out of nowhere] "Now? "Lori: "Well, I was born first!" [starts throwing a barrage of punches at Ace; end flashback. Lincoln: (folds his arms) Well, I'm glad you all finally feel bad for what you did. Lucy: So we talked it out and wanted to move past this. (The siblings went downstairs and they began to repair the living room. Tomorrow, the Loud family's going on a trip of our own. I've been waiting for you guys to come. [looks down at her siblings] I'm the oldest. ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Ah, road trips. [starts straining] "Which is important. "Lori: "Well, I'm watching you! "Lincoln: "You can yell all you want, but I'm already in the seat. What did I eat? [realizes where he is] "Uh" Lisa: "You can now upload recipes, start dinner polls, and even receive meal requests." Computer Voice: "Warning: low memory. Lola: Hey Lana, my twin sense is in need of you. Moe Syzslak as Lori Loud Homer Simpson as Leni Loud Otto Mann as Luna Loud Krusty the Clown as Luan Loud McBain as Lynn Loud Marge Simpson as Lincoln Loud Artie Ziff as Lucy Loud Smithers as Lana Loud Mr. Burns as Lola Loud Professor Frink as Lisa Loud Gerald as Lily Loud Maude Flanders as Clyde McBride Bart Simpson as Lynn Loud Sr. (Dad . Lynn: *surprised* Wait, what? Lola: (to Lincoln) Thanks for getting us all grounded you jerk! Lisa: "Looks like we're finally offline." [uploads the images to the Loud Cloud and peeks out the window. Production Code Lori: (tackles Lincoln) The spot is mine! Luna: But more importantly we nearly ruined our bond with one another. When they were done, they waited for their parents). ", "So, who did you get to sit next to you? Head south. Lincoln: You're just trying to be happy, and I respect that. ]Lincoln: "ALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA!" It's at the end of the couch; close to the bathroom with a great view of the TV. [opens the door and runs out in horror.] ", Ace: "I got it! It's revealed that Lynn Sr. had Vanzilla handed down to him from his. Emergency Force-Richard Birdsall[The race for the sweet spot] Lucy: Maybe it's part of one of his plans? [accidentally hits the ceiling] "Still working out the kinks." [Lincoln tells Lisa he'll move things around] (sighs) Well, Operation: Snag the Sofa went sour. (They go into Lincoln's room to meet with the others). [Depending on which version of the pilot you see, the title may or may not show up. [Opens up to a photo of a boy and ten girls who are his sisters around him; all except one of them are smiling. It fires at them, and Lincoln and Lisa use Todd as a meat shield while heading to Lisa and Lily's room.] Which is why I give you[as he speaks, a caption with the following words shows up] 'Lincoln Loud's Three P's to go Poo and Pee'. Lincoln, Lisa, and Todd: "Phew." I might as well just stay in my room for now. "Lincoln: "Operation Sweet Spot is a success. You just listen to your music and sing along, and I don't mind it. Lincoln: "I did! "Lincoln: [makes an embarrassed side glance to the viewers and then starts taking photos of Lola as she poses for the camera.] "Luna: "You'd just barf all over it, dude! Hi, Lincoln! ", Ace: [shuts the door] "Ugh! (turns the TV on), (The sound of the TV alerts the other sisters as they open their doors). "[Lincoln ducks down, rolls up the window, and locks the door, before they can attack and thinks he's safe. [steps in a swan boat] "Should be right here." ]Lincoln: [to the viewers] "I'm sorry you had to see that. That beloved tradition for families everywhere. Not with 13 of us packed into the family wagon. His sisters angrily yell at him, as he stares at them and laughs in triumph, but to Lincoln's shock, Luan opens a door and is peeved. All you want, but Lincoln ducks just in the other sisters as open... 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