[167] His speech, and especially his accusation against McConnell, was condemned by various senior Republican senators, with McCain saying that the speech was "outside the realm of Senate behavior" and "a very wrong thing to do". Gore. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Swalwell's general relationship with a suspected Chinese agent, Christine Fang, has been characterized as problematic, particularly given his high-profile role as a member of the House Intelligence Committee. [97] Cruz won despite being outspent by Dewhurst, who held a statewide elected office,[98] $19 million to $7 million. 2262, which is identical to P.L. Ted Cruz sponsored S.J.Res. "[308], Cruz met with Alyssa Milano and Fred Guttenberg to discuss gun violence in the United States. [349] A few days later Allseas suspended the work. 2711 of P.L. [12][41] Cruz graduated from Princeton in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts cum laude. [142] In response, Obama called Cruz's statements an example of "outrageous attacks" from Republican critics that crossed the line of responsible discourse: "We've had a sitting senator, who also happens to be running for President, suggest that I'm the leading state sponsor of terrorism. [213], Cruz left the family poodle Snowflake alone inside the house without heat; reporters saw the dog through the window of the front door of the dark and empty house. Senator", "Capitol attack prompts top US firms to pull funding for leading Republicans", "CRUZ, Rafael Edward (Ted) Biographical Information", "Birthplace of President Ted Cruz? 1852, which added Sec. [193] The Texas Democratic Party also called on the U.S. Department of Justice to open an official investigation into Cruz for inciting sedition and treason. [317], Cruz rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. "[359], In October 2021, Cruz posted a tweet that was critical of Australia's Northern Territory's vaccine mandates. 9) FY 2019 NDAA: Space-based intercept Government Operations and Politics (6%) Sec. 115-245) Ted Cruz sponsored S.Amdt.3809, which was adopted by UC on the Senate floor and incorporated as Sec. 324 of P.L. "[142] Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney also criticized Cruz's remarks, writing that although he, too, opposed the Iran agreement, Cruz's statement connecting Obama to terrorism was "way over the line" and "hurts the cause". 2282 was the Senate substitute amendment for the NDAA. Glover, Scott and Reston, Maeve (March 10, 2016). He is 52 years old. 510 of P.L. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #245, which was adopted in the personnel subcommittee markup by voice vote. [55][58] He also presented oral argument for the amici states in the companion case to Heller before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. [66] After remand, Haley was re-sentenced to "time served". 115-232 Sponsored legislation by Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas - in Congress from 2023 through Present Cruz asserted that she had failed to prove that B. Braun had directed her to violate the law and that she had not presented sufficient evidence that her refusal to violate the law was why she had been fired. | View Cosponsors . [260] Because he surpassed the 50% winner-take-all threshold, he won all 40 of Utah's delegates. I want to urge Cruz to take an action on a bill. Ted Cruz ( Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. Senate from Texas. ( All Actions) Tracker: Introduced Passed Senate Passed House To President Became Law BILL 2. 1231 of P.L. He said the law was an attempt by Democrats "to advance their long-standing goals on changing immigration laws". "What You Need To Know About Ted Cruz". The race received significant media attention[111] and became the most expensive U.S. Senate election in history up to that point[112] (until the 202021 Georgia special election between incumbent Kelly Loeffler and Raphael Warnock). [312] In 2013, he proposed the abolition of the IRS and the implementation of a flat tax "where the average American can fill out taxes on a postcard". [12][43][73] At Morgan Lewis, he led the firm's U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice. 24) FY 2017 NDAA: Iran Cyber Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) 324 was included in the House vehicle used for enactment (H.R. [129] To critics, including some Republican colleagues[119] such as Senator Lindsey Graham, the move was ineffective. "[169] Cruz alleged that McConnell scheduled a vote on the Ex-Im Bank as part of a deal to persuade Democrats like Maria Cantwell to stop blocking a trade bill; McConnell denied there was any "deal", and that denial was what Cruz called a "lie". [307] After Colorado legalized marijuana, he said, "If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that's their prerogative. [391] He has claimed the military is debilitated and its "ability to project power and obtain air superiority is tragically anemic". [15] He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the United States after his four-year student visa expired. The bill was co-sponsored by Senators Mike Braun (R-IN) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Cruz's denunciation of Obama was criticized by PolitiFact, which found that the modern pattern of American outsourcing, while prevalent during the Obama years, had started earlier. 23) FY 2017 NDAA: Ukraine Assistance Cruz is next up for reelection in 2024 and serves until Jan 3, 2025. [10][17][18], At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz's parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil drilling. During the first year of Trump's presidency, Cruz sponsored legislation to repeal the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and was part of the group of 13 senators that drafted the unsuccessful 2017 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act replacement proposals of the AHCA. [162] Cruz's role in the United States federal government shutdown of 2013 in particular attracted criticism from a number of Republican colleagues. [411] He reaffirmed his position in 2022 after comments by Justice Clarence Thomas. [216] Later that day, he returned to Texas, after allowing his family to stay in Mexico, saying that the vacation was a mistake. Sec. The Washington Post disputed this, writing that "the bill was largely aimed at dealing with Sandy, along with relatively minor items to address other or future disasters. WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is co-sponsoring legislation to authorize the construction of the coastal barrier protection system, which would mitigate the impact of major hurricanes and other significant water events in and around the Texas coastand the vast petrochemical industry that surrounds it. [67], In 2008 American Lawyer magazine named Cruz one of the 50 Best Litigators under 45 in America,[54][68] and The National Law Journal named him one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America. 113-66 We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #201, which was adopted in the full committee markup in managers package 1. stated on May 26, 2022 in an interview with Fox News: In 2013, under a Democratic Senate, "a majority of the Senate voted in favor of" gun-related legislation sponsored by Republican Sens. Sens. [324] Proponents of the bill argued that it would provide steady funding to support research and restoration projects, funded primarily by dedicating 12.5% of revenues from offshore energy development, including oil, gas, and renewable energy, through offshore lease sales and production based royalty payments, distributed through a competitive grant program. "[305], In August 2015, in the wake of the ambush death of a Texas police officer who was gunned down while filling up at a gas station, Cruz said that police are "feeling the assault from the President, from the top on down, as we seewhether it's in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response from senior officials, the President or the Attorney General, is to vilify law enforcement. [234][235] During the primary campaign, his base of support was mainly among social conservatives, though he had crossover appeal to other factions within his party, including in particular libertarian conservatives. [223] He tied for 7th place in the 2013 CPAC straw poll on March 16, winning 4% of the votes cast. A spokesperson for Cruz said his failure to report the loans to the FEC was "inadvertent" and that he would file supplementary paperwork. 2262). Health (15%) Each dot is a member of the Senate [49] During the 2000 Florida presidential recounts, he assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, devising strategy, and drafting pleadings for filing with the Supreme Court of Florida and U.S. Supreme Court in the case Bush v. [386], During Donald Trump's presidency, Cruz and fellow Texas Senator John Cornyn contributed to the appointment of multiple conservative judges to federal courts with jurisdiction over Texas. 14) FY 2018 NDAA: Full Time Duty [17][31][32] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group known at the time as the Free Market Education Foundation, a program that taught high school students the philosophies of economists such as Milton Friedman and Frdric Bastiat. We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. Nomination Confirmed 75/18 on Dec 16, 2021. Its an open protocol, which means it does not have an owner using the platform 115-232 The first episodes were summaries of the impeachment hearings of Donald Trump. [118], Cruz has consistently denied any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown, even though he cast several votes to prolong it and was blamed by many within his own party for prompting it. Elections must be decided by counting votes. 23, which is substantively identical to the House vehicle used for enactment (H.J.Res. Ted Cruz's 2022: Uvalde fallout, viral backlash. "[153], In late January 2017, Cruz praised Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch as "brilliant and immensely talented" in a written statement. 8) FY 2019 NDAA: Enhancement of U.S.-Israel defense cooperation 1259 of P.L. [333][334], Cruz has been an adamant opponent of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a 2015 international nuclear agreement with Iran negotiated by the U.S. and other world powers, calling it "catastrophic" and "disastrous". Cruz received the support of the majority of the delegates. [191] The Senate rejected these objections by 936 and 927, respectively. "[159] Cruz's authorship was criticized by Charles Pierce of Esquire,[160] Jay Willis of GQ,[161] and CNN's Chris Cillizza. [158], In April 2018, in the copy accompanying Trump's entry on the Time 100 most influential people of 2017, Cruz wrote, "President Trump is doing what he was elected to do: disrupt the status quo. [231], On March 23, 2015, Cruz started his 2016 presidential campaign for the Republican primaries and caucuses, in a morning speech delivered at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. [405], Cruz opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions. 29) FY 2015 NDAA: Taiwan at RIMPAC 116th Congress. Sec. Republican bill would let states name post offices, rather than Congress, Who was nominated for the Congressional Gold Medal in 2022, voted to reject the state-certified election results of Arizona and/or Pennsylvania, January 6, 2021 violent insurrection at the Capitol, led on the front lines by militant white supremacy groups. Ted Cruz sponsored S.1394, which was incorporated as Sec. [123] Cruz was also named "2013 Man of the Year" by conservative publications TheBlaze,[124] and The American Spectator,[125] "2013 Conservative of the Year" by Townhall,[126] and "2013 Statesman of the Year" by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, Florida. [24] Later that year, Cruz's parents reconciled and relocated the family to Houston. Conference Report Agreed to 83/16 on Feb 14, 2019. [178][179][180] The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up the case or issue an injunction and Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes were cast for Joe Biden. 2 min read. Our public interest mission means we will never put our service behind a paywall. [81][295][296][297], Cruz is a critic of the rapprochement between Cuba and the United States, saying on Fox News in December 2014 that the thaw in relations was a "manifestation of the failures of the Obama-Clinton-Kerry foreign policy" that "will be remembered as a tragic mistake". [168] Orrin Hatch expressed a similar opinion: "I don't condone the use of that kind of language against another senator unless they can show definitive proof that there was a lie And I know the leader didn't lie. Following President Joe Biden's signing of a $1.2T bipartisan infrastructure bill, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas introduced legislation to repeal the bill's effect on the cryptocurrency industry . [365], Cruz was one of six Republican senators to vote against expanding the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which would allow the U.S. Justice Department to review hate crimes related to COVID-19 and establish an online database. 8112 of the conference report. S. 4744 (116th): Republic of Texas Legation Memorial Act, S. 1441 (116th): Protecting Europes Energy Security Act of 2019. Cruz 8112 of H.Rept.115-952 (P.L. Cruz ( Republican Party) ran for re-election to the U.S. Senate to represent Texas. As Solicitor General, Cruz declined to vacate Haley's sentence, saying, "I think justice is being done because he had a full and fair trial and an opportunity to raise his errors. [377] According to McClatchy, Cruz staked out "hard-right immigration stances" during his 2016 presidential campaign. 116th Congress Bills Sponsored by Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #116, which was adopted in the full committee markup by voice vote. He was reelected in a close Senate race in 2018 against Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke. [205] On the eve of the anniversary of the attack, he was recorded on video calling it a "violent terrorist attack", which drew sharp criticism from Fox News host Tucker Carlson on his program that night. President Trump, his senior government advisors, and Republican legislators collaborated to have the 2020 Ted Cruz sponsored a committee amendment to add Sec. Sec. [328], Cruz is a supporter of TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline,[329] and following the Republican senate whip, was a cosponsor of legislation in support of the pipeline. Were looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. to suppress entire state-certified vote counts without adjudication in the courts and using a disinformation [375], Cruz took a "hard-line stance" on immigration issues during the 2014 border crisis[376] and opposes comprehensive immigration reform. [202][203][3] Lauren Blair Bianchi, Cruzs communications director, resigned.[204]. [378], Cruz opposes paths to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children (so-called DREAMers). [50] He authored 70 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and presented 34 appellate oral arguments. Medelln v. Texas, 552 U.S. 491 (2008) (No. [408] In 2015, after the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell ruled same-sex marriage bans unconstitutional, he called the decision "the very definition of tyranny",[409] accused the court of judicial activism, and said it was "among the darkest hours of our nation. The most recent include: S. 4411 (117th): A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 5302 Galveston Road in Houston, Texas, as the "Vanessa Guillen Post Office Building". S.Amdt. Sec. Sec. [318][319] In March 2015, he said that some people are "global warming alarmists" and, citing satellite temperature measurements, said, contrary to NASA's analysis, that there had been no significant warming in 18 years. As a Politician, He Opposed Them", "Two Sides of Ted Cruz: Tort Reformer and Personal Injury Lawyer", "Ted Cruz, once the beneficiary of Tea Party tactics, feels their sting", "Sarah Palin Endorses Ted Cruz For U.S. Senate In Texas", "Club for Growth Picks Texas Senate Favorite", "Mark Levin endorses Ted Cruz for US Senate in Texas", "Tea Party Express endorses Ted Cruz for Senate in Waco", "For DeMint, A Few Well-Timed Endorsements", "Tea Party stalwart Rand Paul backs Cruz over Dewhurst in Texas' U.S. Senate race", "Sen. Pat Toomey Endorses Ted Cruz for The Texas Senate Race", "Ron, Rand Paul Endorse Ted Cruz for Texas Senate Seat", "Santorum endorses Ted Cruz in Texas Senate race", "Ted Cruz Defeats David Dewhurst In Texas Senate Runoff", "Ted Cruz Wins In Texas GOP Senate Runoff", "Texas Senate race attracts $13 million in super PAC spending", Ted Cruz poll: Dems have edge over GOP among Hispanics in Texas, "Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company", "Cruz Didn't Disclose Loan From Goldman Sachs for His First Senate Campaign", "Ted Cruz Didn't Adequately Disclose 2012 Loans for Senate Campaign", "The Supreme Court Makes Ted Cruz A Half-Million Dollars Richer", "Supreme Court seems likely to side with Sen. Ted Cruz in campaign finance case", "Ted Cruz files to run for reelection to the Senate in 2018", "Texas Primary: Democratic Votes Surge, But Republicans Recover Early Vote Deficit", "Ted Cruz's surprisingly competitive battle against Beto O'Rourke, explained", "Cruz vs. O'Rourke is Most Expensive U.S. Senate Race in History", "2018 General Election Election Night Returns", "Ted Cruz, mascot of the 2013 shutdown, says he has "consistently opposed shutdowns", "For Ted Cruz, the 2013 shutdown was a defining moment", "Why Ted Cruz Looms Large In Government Shutdown Drama", "Ted Cruz to Star in Government Shutdown, the Sequel", "Ted Cruz Reads Green Eggs And Ham Ted Cruz Filibuster 9-25-13", "Glenn Beck Declares Ted Cruz 'Blaze Man Of The Year', "Sarasota GOP to honor Ted Cruz to be honored as 'Statesman of the Year', "Sarasota GOP to honor Sen. Ted Cruz as its 'Statesman of the Year', "TIME magazine releases finalists for 2013 'Person of the Year' award", "Eyes roll as Ted Cruz denies role in 2013 government shutdown; 'Speechless' says one senator", "Ted Cruz says he's opposed shutdowns, but he hasn't always", "Congress approves bill banning Iran diplomat", "U.S. Troubled By Iran's Choice Of 1979 Hostage-Taker For U.N. Post", "Iran's Reformers Include More Than One Former Hostage-Taker", "Ted Cruz thanks Obama for denying visas to terrorists", "Ted Cruz Writes Thank You Letter To Obama In Politico", "Ted Cruz the senator: Heard but not seen", "Committee Assignments of the 117th Congress", Ted Cruz: Confused About Cicero: What the Texas Republican misrepresents about treason and politics in the Roman Republic, Cruz stands by calling Obama a sponsor of terrorism, Romney hits Cruz over Obama/terrorism claim, Mitt Romney: Ted Cruz 'Way Over the Line' Calling Obama Terror Sponsor, "Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz says Obama shouldn't appoint the next replacement", "In Colorado, Cruz backs Glenn, rips Obama over Orlando", "Ted Cruz to Obama after Nice attack: 'Willful blindness is not a policy', "Ted Cruz: No U.S. Officials Should Attend Fidel Castro's Funeral", "Rubio, Cruz denounce Kerry's speech on Israel", "9 truly awful things Ted Cruz and Donald Trump said about each other", "After period of reckoning, Ted Cruz recasts himself: From opposition force to Trump ally", "How Cruz and Trump learned to like each other", "Cruz: President Trump would nuke Denmark", "Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court", "Cruz urges Trump to field 'army of Scalias and Thomases', "Ted Cruz: Trump's speech a 'positive, unifying vision for the country', "Cruz: I negotiated health care at Mar-a-Lago", "Cruz: Trump should make the case for military action in Syria", "Ted Cruz's embarrassing ode to Donald Trump is why people hate politicians", "The Three Saddest Words I Ever Read in English: By Ted Cruz", "Ted Cruz's Write-Up on Trump for the TIME 100 Is an Event Horizon for Utter Self-Humiliation", "Ted Cruz shies away from some harsh rhetoric", "John Boehner: Ted Cruz is 'Lucifer in the flesh', "Lindsey Graham jokes about how to get away with murdering Ted Cruz", Republican White House hopeful Cruz calls McConnell a liar, Cruz accuses Mitch McConnell of telling a 'flat-out lie', Republicans rebuke Cruz over his charge McConnell lied, "Cruz: McConnell Told 'Flat-Out Lie' to Conservatives", How Mitch McConnell went gangsta on Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, Senate smackdown: Cruz, Lee efforts squelched: The rift between Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz widens, Cruz says he's vilified for fighting the 'Washington cartel', "John Boehner resigns and Ted Cruz gloats", "House Passes Budget, Debt Ceiling Agreement", "GOP faces internal battle over changing Senate rules", "Ted Cruz says he doesn't want to join the Supreme Court after being shortlisted by Trump", "Sen. Cruz Urges U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Emergency Appeal On Pennsylvania Election Challenge", "U.S. Supreme Court moves up deadline in congressman's bid to upend Pa. election results", "Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to join Rep. Mike Kelly's legal team if Supreme Court hears election challenge, lawyer confirms", "U.S. Supreme Court denies Republican appeal to block Pa. election results", "Multiple senators are planning to object to certifying the 2020 presidential election", "Ted Cruz and other Republican senators oppose certifying election results", "Cruz, cadre of other GOP senators vow not to certify Biden win without probe of baseless voter fraud claims", "Inside Ted Cruz's last-ditch battle to keep Trump in power", "Ted Cruz's electoral vote speech will live in infamy", "Half of Republicans say Biden won because of a 'rigged' election: Reuters/Ipsos poll", "Analysis | Ted Cruz's electoral vote speech will live in infamy", "Roll Call Vote 117th Congress - 1st Session", "Texas Democrats call for Sen. Ted Cruz's resignation for 'acting in bad faith', "Ted Cruz accused of abetting sedition and inspiring pro-Trump riot by resisting Biden's victory", "Texas Democrats call on Ted Cruz to resign from U.S. Senate", "AOC, Texas Democrats Call for Ted Cruz to Resign", "Editorial: Resign, Senator Cruz. Our work to hold Congress accountable only matters if elections are decided by counting votes. This bill, in its final form, funded the parts of the federal government whose funding was to lapse on February 15, 2019. Congress. 1091 of P.L. 8112 of H.Rept.115-952 (P.L. After graduating from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, Cruz pursued a career in politics. We need a commander in chief, not a Twitterer in chief. [251] On March 5, Cruz won the Kansas and Maine caucuses, giving him six statewide wins. The new measures would expand sanctions to cover any entity that aids NS2's completion. [198] Thousands of lawyers and law students called for him to be disbarred for inciting the insurrection. Their attempts [3], Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970,[4][5] at Foothills Medical Centre[6][7] in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to Eleanor Elizabeth (ne Darragh) Wilson and Rafael Cruz. 15) FY 2018 NDAA: Iran Mil-Mil 113-100 Sec. The United Nations and U.S. government consider Swidan wrongfully detained. P.L. [419] She previously worked in the White House for Condoleezza Rice and in New York as an investment banker. 115-232 Sec. 113-291 185). is June 24, 2022. Very few bills are ever enacted most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. 09/12/2022 Then he started backtracking", "Rep. Matt Gaetz taunts Sen. Ted Cruz and says 'you can bend over' but 'the establishment will never love you', "Ted Cruz's Cancn Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder", "Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi, invited neighbors to join Cancun trip in leaked texts: Report", "Texas storm: Ted Cruz defends trip to Mexico as power outages continue as it happened", Houston Police confirms officers monitored Sen. Ted Cruz, family through IAH, "Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake", "Ted Cruz back in Texas after facing backlash for flying to Cancun amid brutal weather", "Cruz admits Cancun trip 'obviously a mistake' as he returns to find protesters outside his Texas home", "Protesters Outside Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's Home Demand His Resignation", "Amid Cancun trip backlash, Sen. Ted Cruz volunteers for storm recovery efforts in Houston", "Rand Paul, 2016 Republican front-runner", "Ted Cruz's First 2016 Campaign Ad Is Over 21 Hours Long", "CPAC 2013: Marco Rubio, Rand Paul fight for the future of the GOP", "Rand Paul wins CPAC straw poll; Rubio close second", "Ted Cruz Dominates Republican Straw Poll", "Ted Cruz wins presidential straw poll at Republican Leadership Conference", "Ted Cruz wins Texas GOP's presidential straw poll, Rick Perry finishes distant fourth", "Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the big draws at the Freedom Summit", "Freedom Summit draws GOP hopefuls to N.H.", "Ted Cruz flubs, deletes YouTube response to Obama", "Transcript: Ted Cruz's Speech at Liberty University", "Ted Cruz to announce presidential bid Monday", "Ted Cruz Becomes First Major Candidate to Announce Presidential Bid for 2016", "Poll Points to Upside for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio in GOP Race", "Ted Cruz Speech Nods to Increasing Libertarian Views within Republican Party", "Amazon: 'No evidence' of bulk sales for Cruz book", "NYTDefends Exclusion ofTed Cruz's Book: 'We Are Confident', "RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote", "2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election", "Ted Cruz makes history, becomes first Hispanic to win Iowa caucus", "Ted Cruz is the first Latino to win a caucus or primary. 25) FY 2016 NDAA: Update Annual Iran Military Power Report [258] He placed second in Michigan, Mississippi, and Hawaii. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #123, which was adopted in the full committee markup via managers package #2. S.Amdt. [269] In August 2013, after the Dallas Morning News pointed out that he had dual Canadian-American citizenship,[270][271] he applied to formally renounce his Canadian citizenship and ceased being a citizen of Canada on May 14, 2014. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #117, which was adopted in the full committee markup by roll call vote. 11032 to the House vehicle used for enactment (H.R. Visit us on Mastodon 114-90. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, broke from his own party in voting against a bipartisan bill that would bar him from singlehandedly objecting to presidential election results, as he did on Jan. 6, 2021. He won 36 of the 42 delegates available in Wisconsin. American politician, attorney (born 1970), "Senator Cruz" redirects here. [35] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, professor Alan Dershowitz said that Cruz was "off-the-charts brilliant. Ted Cruz sponsored committee amendment #185, which was adopted in the full committee markup by voice vote. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced the bill Thursday, which would modify legislation they sponsored last year that was signed into law by President Trump as part of the annual defense bill. [322][323] He voted against the bill because it neglected "to reduce a substantial backlog of projects, to the detriment of projects with national implications, such as the SabineNeches Waterway". 33) FY 2014 NDAA: BRAC restriction [337] In 2014, he criticized the Obama administration: "The president's foreign policy team utterly missed the threat of ISIS, indeed, was working to arm Syrian rebels that were fighting side by side with ISIS", calling ISIS "the face of evil". Cruz said he was he was "leading the charge" to prevent Biden's certification as president. In February 2021, during a historic winter storm, up to 4.3 million Texas residents were left without power and millions of others without drinking water, including Cruz and his family. 5325) is an appropriations . [162][163] In 2013, he called Republicans he considered insufficiently resistant to Obama's proposals a "surrender caucus". [141] In the same speech, Cruz invoked the speeches of the ancient Roman senator Cicero against Catiline to denounce Obama's planned executive actions on immigration reform. S. 2611 (117th): A bill to designate high priority corridors on the National Highway System, and for other purposes. 114-328 Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen, whose confirmation Cruz tried to prevent, said in her confirmation hearing that she opposed any audit of the Federal Reserve and that "for 50 years Congress has recognized that there should be an exception to GAO ability to audit the Fed to avoid any political interference in monetary policy. This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom. 1237 of P.L. (March 23, 2015). Sec. [293], Cruz was backed by the billionaire Mercer family, including Robert and his daughter Rebekah. 2469, the language of which was incorporated into S.Amdt. Senators Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham, and Mike Lee, Trump administration officials including White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, then-U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and actors Jon Voight and Isaiah Washington. You can try your luck by visiting Cruzs website. Im having a problem with a government agency, need legal help, want to schedule a meeting or White House tour, or have another question. The letter, published in the magazine Politico on April 18, 2014, starts with "Thanks to President Obama for joining a unanimous Congress and signing S. 2195 into law". Cruz faced the Democratic nominee, U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke, in the general election. [310], Cruz has been described by the Cato Institute's Center for Trade Policy Studies as a "free trader"[311] and as a "free-trade advocate" by The Wall Street Journal. Means we will never put our service behind a paywall Need to Know About ted Cruz committee! Senate rejected these objections by 936 and 927, respectively serves until Jan,. Days later Allseas suspended the work to Know About ted Cruz '' and Chuck Grassley ( ). Uses GovTrack and What features you find helpful or think could be improved Government consider Swidan wrongfully detained work. [ 129 ] to critics, including some Republican colleagues [ 119 ] such as Senator Graham! [ 50 ] he reaffirmed his position in 2022 after comments by Justice Clarence.. R-Wyo. on Feb 14, 2019 293 ], Cruz was backed by the billionaire family. 245, which was adopted in the full committee markup by voice vote ] he reaffirmed his position in after. Make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you Scott and Reston Maeve! The new measures would expand sanctions to cover any entity that aids NS2 #... Co-Sponsored by Senators Mike Braun ( R-IN ) and Chuck Grassley ( R-IA ) giving six! 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[ 204 ] reelected in a close Senate race in 2018 against Democratic candidate O'Rourke... ] a few days later Allseas suspended the work designate high priority corridors on the rejected! Twitterer in chief Iran Mil-Mil 113-100 Sec 2611 ( 117th ): a.... A Twitterer in chief, not a Twitterer in chief, not a Twitterer in chief not. Year, Cruz opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions entity that aids NS2 #! ( H.R [ 191 ] the Senate substitute amendment for the NDAA 24. [ 198 ] Thousands of lawyers and law students called for him to disbarred... [ 24 ] later that year, Cruz 's parents reconciled and relocated family... Senate rejected these objections by 936 and 927, respectively 191 ] the Senate rejected objections. Project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom Cruz 's parents reconciled and the... To be disbarred for inciting the insurrection 359 ], Cruz rejects the consensus... 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