What's the deal with the Jonathan Galindo/Blue Whale Whats the deal with the far cry 3 praise? forms: { Very well put together videos. Users on the platform began to suspect that they were the same person when this account and Hooper began posting from the same locations, including St Lucia. JavaScript is disabled. All posts are users opinions and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Lime Goss. Talk about hypocritical. View most liked Disney Vloggers posts on tattle TheTimTracker #94 Help Control the Prop Population, Have Your Tracker Spayed or Neutered Thread title courtesy of @curious_penguin Continue discussing the Slackers here. They're one of three or four YouTube vloggers that we watch, and are probably the most consistently upbeat. It is always self righteous woke people who actually engage in that stuff. New Fireworks Show & More Coming to Disney Cruise Line for Silver Anniversary, Taking Your Child to Disney in Costume? He also has THE BEST Route 66 series ever. For his part, her husband took to the 'gram to deny any knowledge of the alt account, and to say that he: 'can't condone or fully understand why Clemmie did what she did.'. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities, Post I love how KT saved the cinnamon roll hack as a reel. 'We need more transparency to these gossip sites total anonymity is complicated,' says Liveing. Here, she claimed that the alt personality originated as a way to defend herself her real life self against trolls on the platform. The man got the video removed because she showed his childs face without his permission. If he wasnt around Im guessing Michael would somehow be at the parks even more than he already is, following every whim and completely overwhelmed. And he agreed with, or at least didn't contradict her wailing about this. In the previous episode Time for a new Slacker thread. Thanks for the thesis, they are great, if you dont like them simply dont watch them! But I dont read them, anymore.. Just finished the most recent Tuesday video, Thank god Julie was there, someone with a personality but that shirt pete was wearing :sick: :sick: :sick: Thank you to @MmAnaheim for the new title! A petition by one targeted YouTuber Michelle Chapman, AKA Mummy Chelle, to ban the site has close to 26,000 signatures, at the time of writing while certain individuals affected are reportedly taking legal advice. Please disable your adblocker to use tattle. Wondering where that info about Katie blaming it on drinking came from? Recent wait times at Royal Hall and Anna & Elsa's Royal Welcome. There's this gang mentality that can take over people. She admitted to vomiting, coughing, sore throat and felt like she was dying. Kyle Pallo #13 Kyle checks in, viewers check out. I love Always Believe (Ash & Bryan)! Just go yourself people , nuff said. 8. I like them better than most people, Spencer is most enjoyable but honestly the whole Disney community is toxic lmao. We allow commentary and critiques of people that choose to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain.. Okay. Dave being around definitely keeps Michael in check. And he feeds off of her nonsense and plays into it. Welcome to the first thread for the ultimate complainers, Ohana of 3! People that come to post abusive or hateful content are banned.'. You must log in or register to reply here. I have been enjoying Fastpass Facts, because I enjoy the info. The Provost family are fun and adorable. How does it feel to be on the end of these comments? While plenty of threads are sharply critical, some do offer praise for certain influencers and, potentially, provide a place for people to enjoy a sense of community and conversation. It's the sort of gentle, nuanced-sprinkled sentiment that's missing from the wild digital waters we swim in. He did he was there posted a video with a snot rag in his hand. They posted a video today and Spencer was there for the opening. You must log in or register to reply here. Sep 7, 2021 . His style is very high energy but he does incredible research on history and such. Thank you @Amandaleigh for the new thread title. Come and join us as we roast him for his continuing adventures in insulting his viewers' intelligence, delusions of grandeur, shady grifting for easy money, sleazy thirst-baiting. Disney Vloggers #1 Mar 12, 2021 Disney Vloggers Threads Thread locked. Is that why you would make four boring videos in a week about the place? Thanks to @Mr Flibble for our new thread title - witty (and scarily accurate) as always. The petition references Slockbower mocking a disabled guest riding a scooter in one of her videos. At the current time Disney is the ultimate in woke culture: vaccine mandates for their employees, forcing CRT on their employees in basic job training, removing innocuous images from rides like a guy selling heads, throwing out creativity in the name of didactic movies, promoting ideologies instead of good stories. Kyle Pallo #14 This thread had a funny title but Kyle deleted it. So what might be the deal with Hooper who alleges that she went on Tattle Life to defend herself, and got swept up in the tidal waves of negativity? The entire idea that they wont eat indoors and are hyper concerned about Covid is the basis of woke culture right now. Self-doubt creeps in and you start to question if what is being said is true. Untangling Tattle Life: What Drove Clemmie Hooper to Troll her Tribe? #13. And god forbid you disagree with them in the comments. sorry for the short intro. The latest happenings involve mummy blogger Clemmie Hooper, AKA Mother of Daughters. I like watching mrcheezypop (Max), and will second the recommendation of Magic Journeys (MigVee and Janelle)I love watching their Wonderful World of Food videos! She uses staff and security at the park as a weapon and constantly videos about how she will use them against park goers.. Im missing Disneyland so bad rn and Im wondering if anyone has any good vloggers or podcasts they recommend?? Im not on camera but I was starving and they wouldnt move away from the counter where you get chicken and pasta., She has a history of making false claims against guests at the park, the petition, created by Stephanie Fox, reads. Ooooh whoever chose 5+ was right! A parenting pack mule. Fox also references Slockbower selling and promoting her products, even asking for money in the parks. 'Other people might go to such sites only to participate as spectators to a fascinating, conflict-ridden show, like watching reality TV.'. There are others but those are the ones I watch on the regular. Life Disney on YouTube does a whats happening Wednesdays live every Wednesday and other videos throughout the week. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Spencer and KT (I was last week years old when I found out it's spelled that way, not "Katie") are Beyond Irritating. You might have heard of the site when beauty journalist Sali Huges uploaded a video to Instagram, claiming that an extraordinary level of abuse had been written about her on the platform including about dead loved ones and comments on her children and husband. Anyone care to do a recap? Universal released all the information regarding HHN while Dim doesn't have a chance to monetize someone elses work and creativity. But oh holy bananas, when you are watching them, it makes the video a lot better. Yes, Im giving my opinion here about something I saw that was negative and I felt offended other Disney fans (seemed a very let them eat cake moment). Best Life & Beyond #67 Everyone laugh at Katie & Spencer and their silly lies. It may not display this or other websites correctly. callback: cb #2 - Sam and Nia. They had so many people asking if they were ok but didnt give any update even a brief insta story. Thread title courtesy of @curious_penguin poll recommended by @OutofScope . It was a tie between @UncleLester and @diskneelvr so I chose Lesters because he posted first. Really great people. A couple of things Disney vloggers do what I cant stand: I love meeting characters, not face characters tho (if that makes sense) I just like getting a good photo with them, not to have a conversation cause thats super awkward. (function() { Michael released the first Disney Cruise vlog but later deleted a portion of it cause of the controversy. Shout out to @Disneypins for the title of this thread - I had to edit so it fit I hope I have done it justice. Definitely high up on the list of Disney vloggers. Thank you Congrats to @Jackprot! They took California shutting down during COVID as a personal affront and a deliberate attempt on the part of Governor Newsom to thwart THEIR ability to enjoy Disneyland. Will deffo watch her if she does - withoul unbearable Paul her videos will go far! Post title suggestion comes from @xmasbdaygirl courtesy of Jenn herself Sep 13, 2018. Anyone care to do a recap? Does anybody have any up-to-date tea on the Donaho sisters/SeaCruisers/Unscriptedlife? Accused the governor of purposely keeping Disneyland closed cause he was jealous of bob Iger. We are still witnessing the slew of terribly edited Disney vlogs from their trip almost a month ago. Perhaps the cruellest thing you've ever said has no placed being coded into cyberspace. The app's algorithms, she says, cited 'bullying' as the reason assumedly as a result of what was being said about Hooper. Read the Pros and Cons First. Allears.net is a one of the most popular Disney World vloggers on YouTube, and it's run by Molly McCormack. Did you mortally offend him by not kissing his chubby, hairy little ass? The last few years should have taught them to first deny any wrongdoing, then say it's a hoax, then blame someone else. To be in a group, you need to act as others are, in order to be accepted. 'I think we need to push these companies to evaluate the prosocial versus antisocial possibilities, and amplify the former at the expense of the latter. When I contacted the admin address on the site, I was given the following statement: 'Tattle Life has a zero tolerance policy towards content that is hateful, abusive, threatening and we take the privacy of social media influencers far more seriously than they do themselves in many cases. I know they aren't exclusively disney, but they are in the orbit and imo have had the most drama I've seen in the disney bubble. The pack means safety, and so we ensure that were in' whatever that might take. Disney Cruises look like fun, but are they really that much fun when your day to day life involves videoing yourself on Disney theme park attractions, eating at Disney restaurants, etc. (someone mentioned they share an apartment). She's a loud screecher and giggler--both on rides and just walking through the parks--with emotional diarrhea (absolute WAILING crying down Main Street the first time she went to WDW? It has now been reinstated. Good riddance. Everyone was like so they are still together, why have they disappeared off social media then?!. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. ResortTV1 #5 Hi-Ho! I've never watched Brookhart. Recent wait times at Royal Hall and Anna & Elsa's Royal Welcome. It also mentions Slockbower, who is white, attacking an African American family, including children, on the Mark Twain riverboat. . KT has called herself the queen of Disneyland (what?!). I found Guru Gossip about four years ago and got into a bad way reading it,' she says. They primarily do Star Wars/Galaxy's Edge content, but their park outfits and disneybounding are next level. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss. How? Ive never heard of them until i saw them in the Woo lockdown videos occasionally. (Edited for length) TheTimTracker #93 And Now it's Time to Steal Some Content, Best Life & Beyond #62 Universal from these two, No join me from the Woo, alone at all eventsBoo-hoo. Ok, so OF ALL TIMES we needed to start a new thread this was not the best. Been watching some knappily ever after, I had not heard if then before. Welcome to your one-stop hog roast for Dinky Disney Dipshit, Kyle Pallo. I much prefer Adam the woo types. (I had to edit for length) Florida Resident Disney Vloggers on YouTube. Please disable your adblocker to use tattle. Not really my cup of tea. They put out 5 videos last week! Also Tiffany Mink and Patrick Duggal who used to be a part of Thingamavlogs. https://youtu.be/9_okEf7l-1I. I agree, Ordinary Adventures are very underrated! The influencers are Katie Slockbower and Spencer Emmons of Best Life and Beyond. A Change.org petition calls for Disney [to] remove Best Life and Beyond from being able to Video in your Parks., According to the petition, Slockbower in particular continues to break park rules and harass and attack park goers while recording her vlog posts at the park.. Or is it because we're happy WE haven't be caught being "naughty" yet? This petition is useless and stupid. listeners: [], Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They must enjoy smelling of cheese, shrimp and booze. PatrickDougall! I don't think it's three people who caused these industry giants to pull media credentials, and how did it now turn to "jealous vloggers" who did it? And her take was that his sole purpose for choosing that location was to taunt all of the Disney fans he wasn't allowing to go to the parks. So, what gives with those that do? I am currently battling a chest infection (testing daily, staying home 'cos you know I have ethics Thread title courtesy of @2020planner It's mostly a family channel these days anyways with showing home vlogs and stuff. That, I was unable to draw from the horse's mouth. What is the cruellest thing youve ever said about someone else? The Tim Tracker #97 Jenn Slipped and It Wasnt On a Banana Peel. Hooper has verified that she did indeed have a secret account on the site, via an Instagram Story confessing on the 8th November. We lock threads when they have 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Theres a multi page thread talking about it over at tattle.life includes pictures!! I know everyone is asking for money all the time, but that was just too blatant. ], Internet psychologist Graham Jones agrees. Justin Scarred is my favorite. Thank you @GInursemyass for the thread title! Many, if not all of us have a mean side to our personalities that could be unleashed under the right circumstances. [Its important to note here that the racially-motivated tone of some of 'AliceinWanderLust's' posts, plus the fact that Hooper is a working midwife in the NHS, render them especially worrying. I am also no fan of woke culture, but they are part of that culture and I am happy to see them lose free stuff from Disney and universal. As the Bojos sail the seven seas we get to watch Useless internally combust as she sets out to become what she loathes. Dude, you a hundred percent were there because you wanted to make a video to be first. They were at the front of the line and wouldnt let anyone else get their food because they kept reshooting saying happy Fourth of July multiple times. The thing is, if what they did was inexcusable and told their fans not to make excuses, why did Jenn basically tell people to email the companies about getting their status back? Definitely check out Defunctland on YouTube! Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about: Cheryls insta bio says shes possibly starting YouTube! I see there is a petition on change.org to try and restore their status with Disney and Universal. Very down to earth and fun to watch! Winner of the last pool with a whopping 70% was no surprise: Katie getting a paying guest trespassed from Disneyland (Columbia incident) It is all a cover for making money. He then got kicked off the Disney Media list for the COVID fiasco after the cruise. Calling all lowlifes (sic) and jealous haters (sic) of diminutive Disney douchebag Kyle Pallo! Later, she says, the comments about others were used as a way to alleviate the hunches of her true identity by users of the platform, who were growing suspicious. by adfan Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:30 pm, Post Ew, icky. New to Tattle Life? My Moments With Mom. JavaScript is disabled. Previously, Kyle enraged us all. Intellectually, I know these people are saddos, but it does take a couple of weeks to fully realise that., She also claims that certain site members have attempted to create IRL implications, reporting her to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for alleged misconduct, with regards to paid-for posts. I cannot stand these two people! Vincent Vision is going off on a tangent right now about how he didn't go to Galaxys Edge to be first or for clout, he just wanted to go because he's a star wars fan. Kyle Pallo #12 Deep-Throating for DVC points! It was a close race this time. VIDEO: Pixar Pals Celebration from Pixar Day at Sea Aboard the Disney Fantasy, Best Ice Cream Spots Around Walt Disney World, No Standby Line When Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway Opens at Disneyland, Four Walt Disney World Attractions Worth Park-Hopping For. I'm not judging.I'm guilty of it too! Grab a chugger and some nummies, pull up a chair and join the fun as us lowlifes and hatters critique the Daily Dump he calls a vlog. We are all learning and growing all the time.'. But what does motivate someone to scratch over the minutiae of someone's accounts and unpick everything from their new winter coat to how they hold their baby? New to Tattle Life? I am not foolish enough to believe that they aren't doing it for the SuperChats - but I will say, they read a TON of comments from the live chat during their livestreams that aren't paid superchats, they try and interact with everyone. 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