As do so many evangelists today. The consequences spiritually are blessed to the soul; how much more is it to Teach the source from which all flows! But this is not the full extent of salvation. And this lies in the fact that Abraham believed God before he had the son, being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able to perform. I guess I am related to that baboon." For in My Father's house there are many mansions, and I am going to prepare one for you. Not only man, but all of creation is groaning under the curse of sin. In the other scale he puts the glory, and finds that a weight, an exceeding and eternal weight: Glory that shall be revealed. (c) He is at the right hand of God. You have got a sizeable deposit that is in escrow and, boy, my commission on this is going to be about $35,000 and all right. I am going to move from this tent into that new mansion, into that new building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Now likewise the Spirit also helps our weaknesses: for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself will make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered ( Romans 8:25-26 ). St. Paul's Des Peres Bible Study 1 Corinthians 14 KFUO Radio. Man has twisted that and he somehow feels that he should live for his own pleasure, but the Bible tells us that if a person is living for their own pleasure they are really dead while they are still alive. Not only they--not only the creatures which are not capable of such a happiness as the first-fruits of the Spirit, but even we, who have such present rich receivings, cannot but long for something more and greater. Yea, from heaven, shall come a sweet draught of luscious honey. Who is he that condemneth? We ought therefore to bear in mind, that if a soul be not brought into conscious deliverance as the fruit of divine teaching, and founded on the work of Christ, we are very far from presenting the gospel as the apostle Paul glories in it, and delights that it should go forth. From verse 14 there is an advance. The gospel, instead of treating this as a light matter, alone vindicates God in these eternal ways of His, in that which must be in him who stands in relationship with God. "But if [for so it should be read] thou art named a Jew," etc. He is not coming physically or bodily, but He is going to be coming in His church to be manifested through His church to the world, and the whole world is just groaning and travailing as waiting for you to be manifested. Now the man who lives dominated by his body appetites is living like an animal, because animals are body-controlled beings. This was the father's power over his family; it was the power of absolute disposal and control, and in the early days was actually the power of life and death. It is as if Paul said: "You think of Jesus as the Judge who is there to condemn; and well he might for he has won the right. The righteousness of God, then, could now go forth in virtue of His blood. Then they conquered. From this time the world lay under heathenism till the bringing in of the Gospel, upwards of 2000 years after. If I think of prayer as an instrument by which I can get my will done, I totally misunderstand prayer. The Christian waits, not for death, but for life. That was never God's intention that prayer should be the instrument by which man can accomplish his will upon the earth. Those who live according to the dictates of the Spirit are absorbed in the things of the Spirit. He uses still another picture from Roman adoption. He knew what the sufferings of this present time were; see 2 Corinthians 11:23-28. This the whole creation looks and longs for; and it may serve as a reason why now a good man should be merciful to his beast. "Every thing seems perverted from its intended use: the inanimate creatures are pressed into man's rebellion; the luminaries of the heaven give him light . For we know that the whole creation is groaning and travailing in pain together until now ( Romans 8:22 ). You must carefully guard against the notion of its being a question of Paul's own experience, because he says, "I had not known," "I was alive," etc. the glorious truth is this: God is for you tonight. If he will submit his life to the control of the spirit.Paul had felt the condemnation of the law. H. G. Wells once said: "Man, who began in a cave behind a windbreak, will end in the disease soaked ruins of a slum." And this doctrine has a way of cycling. Not bearing witness with my intellect, not bearing witness with my body, bearing witness to my spirit where I have joined with God that I am the child of God. The second included powers, lordships and mights. Future Thursday broadcasts will appear in this playlist as well. Oratio: United with Him in Resurrection. What could be conceived closer or more even than this? It is not the mercy of God., Many have contended that so it is, and to their own great loss, as well as to the weakening of the word of God. And God has written His law in my heart by which God now directs and controls even my desire--this new life in the Spirit in Christ. They too should live. If God had absolutely cast away His people, would there be such mercy? We know that God intermingles all things for good for those who love him, for those who are called according to his purpose. Israel is indeed the only people of whom there is always a portion that believe. To be absorbed in worldly human things is death; but to be absorbed in the things of the Spirit is life and peace, because absorption in the things which fascinate our sinful human nature is hostility to God, for it does not obey the law of God, nor, indeed, can it do so. Hence, as is shown later in the chapter, Adam is a head characterized by disobedience, who brought in death, the just penalty of sin; as on the other hand we have Him of whom he was the type, Christ, the obedient man, who has brought in righteousness, and this after a singularly blessed sort and style "justification of life." It is so with us if we love God. It was as if they did not want to share God with anyone and had grudged man his share in him. Time was when none of the English, nor French, nor of any other nation believed in the Saviour. Though they were willingly vain, yet they were not willingly made subject to vanity; they willingly went into idolatrous and other evil practices, but the devil made them subject, or slaves unto them; he led them captive at his will, and powerfully worked in them, by divine permission, so that they became vassals to him, and to their lusts; for he seems to be designed, "by him who hath subjected the same", and not Adam, by whom sin entered into the world. Nothing of this is intended in the class that is here brought before us. The Spirit-controlled life, the Christ-centred life, the God-focused life is daily coming nearer heaven even when it is still on earth. It is in Zion that He lays it. The gospel at its height in no wise weakens but maintains the moral manifestation of what God is. Genesis 3:22-24. in hope -- Hope has a reference to the future, and the Christian sighs for deliverance from our corruptible, mortal bodies, and expects it. This concern that God has for his people involves everything. It was so exciting reading every night. I love it. Observe, (1.) God doesn't love me when I am good and hate me when I am bad. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. To cement the alliance Nero wished to marry her. The book of Genesis shows that God created the earth to be kind to man. In the fourth verse this could not be absent; in the first verse it ought not to be present. Now, God, you interpret that." Hey, it is beginning to have its problems. Romans 8 20 Adam Clarke Bible Commentary Romans 8:20 Verse 20. Some day there would come The Day of the Lord. Just the bottom is knocked out. 5:1-11 Suffering with assurance of future glory 5:12-21 The basis for assurance in the work of Christ 6:1-23 Slavery to sin 7:1-25 The weakness of law I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. Sanday and Headlam add: Vanity is the refrain of the Book of Ecclesiastes that is without result, ineffective, which does not reach its endthe opposite of complete or perfect. The believer is not put under law, you will observe, but under grace, which is the precise reverse of law. Here I shall be very brief. Jesus said, "I didn't come to condemn the world, but that the world through Me might be saved. (ii) There is the word Spirit; in Romans 8:1-39 it occurs no fewer than twenty times. He does not see only the world; he looks beyond it to God. It becomes popular about every forty years. . It's transient. And it is well for those ignorant of it to know that here, in verse 4, the apostle speaks first of "walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (b) Our belief is in a Christ who died and rose again and who is alive for evermore--that is the statement. This passed away with man when he sinned. (1-5) The promises are made good to the spiritual seed of Abraham. I groan often when I see the conditions and needs of people around me, because often I don't know how to pray. And we know well that this does not take freewill away. (b) Christ is risen; therefore nothing can ever separate us from him. See Lightfoot. It could not happen to me unless God did allow it to happen to me, and God loves me and is working out what is best for me. Thus corruption not only overspread morals, but became an integral part of the religion of men, and had thus a quasi-divine sanction. Heaven is an inheritance that all the saints are heirs to. This is precisely what salvation does not mean; and I would strongly press it on all that hear me, more particularly on those that have to do with the work of the Lord, and of course ardently desire to labour intelligently; and this not alone for the conversion, but for the establishment and deliverance of souls. First of all, the groundwork of it is laid in the first four verses, the last of them leading into every-day walk. This accordingly leads, as connected with the deliverance of the body, to the inheritance we are to possess. Paul goes further; he goes on to speak of the spiritual experience of every Christian. Scripture: Romans 8:1. Satan is condemning, but why should I worry about that? Those that will deal with God must deal upon trust. The rest of the chapter (7-25) is an instructive episode, in which the impotence and the misery of the renewed mind which attempts practice under law are fully argued out, till deliverance (not pardon) is found in Christ. Now it is the positive power of God in raising up from the dead Him that was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justifying. How glorious it is to be an heir of God, joint-heir with Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God has become mine. Paul is only a servanta person under orderssomeone who does what he is told. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren ( Romans 8:29 ). All other solutions will fail. It is not a rash and sudden determination, but the product of a very serious and deliberate consideration. The trees shall, yield their proper fruits, and rich flocks, and kine, and lambs, of sheep and kids of goats. Paul has argued this point at length already in Romans 5:12-21. but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope: Mankind did not desire to be subjected to these processes that lead to death, but this was the just consequence of Adams sin that passed upon all men universally. It is not said to be revealed in the gospel. He is the accuser of the brethren. I was constantly feeling condemnation. ( Romans 8:35.) "But unto Israel he saith, All day long have I stretched out my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.". For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God." Stated another way, this term denotes powers which aim to subjugate man and separate him from God (Kittle, 2:275). Because we possess the capacity to sin, when it is coupled with the determination to resist temptation to sin, the resultant effort becomes a spiritual exercise.Like a man training with dumbbells, the repeated resistance builds strength over time. In the most literal sense, there is no future in it--because it is getting further and further away from God. " " /Origen Commentaries on Romans 5:9 A.D. 248) Just as Abraham was so loyal to God that he was prepared to sacrifice his dearest possession, God is so loyal to men that he is prepared to sacrifice his only Son for them. Who then can condemn us) The answer is that the Judge of all men is Jesus Christ. They sigh for deliverance. The former is the direction, and the latter the application. The second plea is not that the rejection of Israel is only partial, however extensive, but that it is also temporary, and not definitive. Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled. same in Alas! In this, as in other things, God hath made our present state a state of trial and probation--that our reward is out of sight. It is not, as in Ephesians 2:1-22, dead in sins, which would be nothing to the purpose. When we pray in tongues, we give the Holy Spirit freedom to help us pray. Then he enlarges, and points out that there is a remnant of grace in the worst of times. So my dad had a little plaque made with the words "all things" and he had it there on his desk. Faith is the evidence, hope the expectation, of things not seen. What gives glory to God like this? These things are matters of conscience, and depend much for their solution on the degree to which souls have attained. Next, he enters upon another branch of the truth the Spirit not as a condition contrasted with flesh (these two, as we know, being always contrasted in Scripture), but as a power, a divine person that dwells in and bears His witness to the believer. Her question to Jesus is, "Where do we worship God?" (d) He makes intercession for us there. but I have received the Spirit [of sonship,] adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father ( Romans 8:15 ). Then your principle is your condemnation. Accordingly the apostle says that boast and works are completely set aside by this principle which affirms faith, apart from deeds of law, to be the means of relationship with God (verses 27, 28). Therefore it is here for the first time that we find salvation spoken of in the grand results that are now brought before us in Romans 5:1-11. For you do not yet see the glorified Chuck. He put in everything he could think of, and yet, some poor timid soul stands there and quivers thinking God is going to forsake them now. Let me refer in passing to a few points more in the introduction, in order to link them together with that which the Spirit was furnishing to the Roman saints, as well as to show the admirable perfectness of every word that inspiration has given us. The whole species of creatures is designed for, and is hastening to, a total dissolution by fire. Christ, as Mediator, is said to be the heir of all things (Hebrews 1:2), and true believers, by virtue of their union with him, shall inherit all things,Revelation 21:7. I rest in faith that God is even going to use this for my good and His glory.Now if you will just take this and file it up here to where you will live by it, you won't have to come to Romaine and get his hammer on your head. Him who subjected it in hope is a reference to God, who alone had the authority and power to subject the creation to vanity, and also the option of totally destroying man because of sin, or subjecting him in hope of his redemption. This could not be attained if they were removed at once to heaven. For the creature - The renewed creature; the Christian mind. The sufferings are small and short, and concern the body only; but the glory is rich and great, and concerns the soul, and is eternal. If His grace attract, His truth humbles, and leaves no room for vain boasting and self-confidence. "And earth, and all the trees, and the innumerable flocks of, sheep shall give their true fruit to mankind, of wine and of, sweet honey and of white milk and corn, which to men is the most. Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. Future glory involves far more than just believers. They believed that they had been angry when God created man. And he gives his reason: "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith." Hence, as God's wrath is revealed from heaven, it is against every form of impiety "against all ungodliness." Hence, therefore, it was in no way limited to any particular nation, such as those that had already been under the law and government of God. By the creature here we understand, not as some do the Gentile world, and their expectation of Christ and the gospel, which is an exposition very foreign and forced, but the whole frame of nature, especially that of this lower world--the whole creation, the compages of inanimate and sensible creatures, which, because of their harmony and mutual dependence, and because they all constitute and make up one world, are spoken of in the singular number as the creature. (b) He rose again. Our way is rough and long; but he that shall come will come, and will not tarry; and therefore, though he seem to tarry, it becomes us to wait for him. Then if God is willing to do that much for you, the rest is easy.Nothing that you might need could possible come close to comparing what God has already demonstrated His willingness to give and do for you because He loves you so much. There never was an hour since Israel's existence as a nation that God has not had His remnant of them. In writing to the Corinthians, the second epistle, chapter 5, Paul said, "For we know when this earthly tent, our body, is dissolved, that we then have a building of God that is not made with hands that is eternal in the heavens. It became simply a question whether, in fact, God did call Gentiles, or whether He had revealed such intentions. For this I will defend thee before men.'" Romans 8:20 Parallel Verses. He is hostile to him, resentful of his law and his control. Not one of them is able to separate the Christian from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ, Lord of every terror and Master of every world." Paul's joy and boast were in the gospel of God. Xenophon tells us that Socrates taught his disciples simply to pray for good things, and not to attempt to specify them, but to leave God to decide what the good things were. The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. . as I am often faced with situations that I can't understand. Mark 2:14 calls Matthew the son of Alphaeus. You say we are supposed to worship God in Jerusalem, and you say we are supposed to worship God in Jerusalem," as does Stanley Goldfoot. 10 brothers, 1 my heart's desire and prayer to god for them is that they may be saved. He first sums up what is disbursed for Christ in the sufferings of this present time, and finds they come to very little; he then sums up what is secured to us by Christ in the glory that shall be revealed, and this he finds to be an infinite sum, transcending all conception, the disbursement abundantly made up and the losses infinitely countervailed. Now this should be to each of us tonight a very searching verse, and upon reading this, it is important that each of us now make a personal inventory and evaluation and ask ourselves the question: Is my life led by the Spirit of God? The life that is dominated by the desires and activities of sinful human nature is on the way to death. Romans 9:1-33. It is fit and proper that he should engage here in the service of Him who has redeemed him. But this may be comparatively a light question. Hence the action of the Spirit of God in a double point of view comes before us. Moses saith, "I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people," etc. But it is quite possible for the unconverted to be tenacious of the truth, yet unrighteous in their ways; and so much the worse for them. So therefore it addressed itself to the obedience of faith; not by this meaning practice, still less according to the measure of a man's duty, but that which is at the root of all practice faith-obedience obedience of heart and will, renewed by divine grace, which accepts the truth of God. But if Christ is in you, even if because of sin your body is mortal, your Spirit has life through righteousness. Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. It addresses moral, intellectual, social, and spiritual issues, but most importantly, it lays the theological foundation for the Christian faith: how God has made it possible through Christ for sinners to be made right before Him. Although circumcision began with Abraham, manifestly it had nothing to do with his righteousness, and at best was but the seal of the righteousness of faith which he had in an uncircumcised state. (Romans 8:28) 12/04/11 : The "Ordo Salutis" (Romans 8:28-30) 12/11/11 : Sovereignty & Responsibility (Romans 8:28-30 Part 2) 12/18/11 : God is For Us! (c) But he has a use of this word sarx ( G4561) which is all his own. But by reason - By him dia. The apostle applies this according to divine wisdom. Besides this, which seems to be a most comprehensive expression for embracing every sort and degree of human iniquity, we have one very specifically named. God was rather provoking Israel to jealousy by the call of the Gentiles. (i) Sarx ( G4561) literally means flesh. . 1. And he is father of circumcision in the best sense, not to Jews, but to believing Gentiles. You know the amazing thing to me is that God can interpret that as intercession according to His will. ed. Broadly speaking, he uses it in three different ways. The fire at the last day shall be a refining, not a destroying annihilating fire. There is the vindication of God in His ways with the Old Testament believers. . already. That same energy of the Holy Ghost which had displayed itself in Jesus, when He walked in holiness here below, was demonstrated in resurrection; and not merely in His own rising from the dead, but in raising such at any time no doubt, though most signally and triumphantly displayed in His own resurrection. Now God must have reality in the man himself. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. (4.) 1. I am not yet in my glorified state. Romans 1:1-32. That is the first necessity for the sinner with God. The next question, actually, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? them; he led them captive at his will, and powerfully worked in 7). The law demanded, but could never receive righteousness from man. Man can never be satisfied until he is in union with God. Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. The believer, whosoever he might be, should not be ashamed. The fruits of it are not expanded here; but, in point of fact, to joy in God is necessarily that which makes praise and adoration to be the simple and spontaneous exercise of the heart. Solid Joys. But a man whose spirit has come alive and who is living after the Spirit realizes that he is not related to the animal kingdom, he is related to God. But if a man does not love and trust God, he may well resent what happens to him and may well fight against God's will. In the gospel there is revealed God's righteousness. (ver. Since there is no reason in such creatures, their will is to be taken no doubt for their natural inclination, according to which the whole nature of things tends to its own preservation and perfection: whatever then is detained under corruption suffers violence, nature being unwilling and repugnant. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. What was it? 1 Corinthians 2. God has condemned the flesh. Romans 7:1-20. The first included thrones, cherubim and seraphim. To these then he wishes, as was his wont, the fresh flow of that source and stream of divine blessing which Christ has made to be household bread to us: "Grace and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ" (ver. 22). So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God ( Romans 8:7-8 ). He was regarded as a new person entering into a new life with which the past had nothing to do. he died for me, yea rather, is risen again, in fact he is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me ( Romans 8:34 ). Paul's answer is this. Because I don't always know what God's particular will is in a particular situation. Everything had its angel. It is the going forth of His richest blessing. God is not reluctant to help you. The remnant proves, then, that even under judgment the rejection of Israel is not complete, but rather a pledge of future favour. Now it was manifested, and not promised or predicted merely. In Romans 8:32 there is a wonderful allusion which would stand out to any Jew who knew his Old Testament well. God doesn't have to be begged to come to your assistance. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit ( Romans 8:1 ). evil practices, but the devil made them subject, or slaves unto And this was powerfully corroborated by the testimony of another great name in Israel (David), in Psalms 32:1-11. He breaks the objections down into 3 main ones: 1) If God's grace increases whenever we sin then we should just continue to sin so that we might experience more grace 2) If we're not under the old law in the old testament then we should be free to live however we want You know things start going wrong, "Oh, I need to talk to someone," you know. God, therefore, having not the least hindrance to the manifestation of what He can be and is in merciful intervention on behalf of the worst of sinners, manifests it is His righteousness "by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe" (ver. It is evident, therefore, that dispensational position will not suffice for God, who holds to His own unchangeable estimate of good and evil, and who judges the more stringently according to the measure of advantage possessed. It is the same form of expression exactly as in the beginning of Romans 5:1-21 "being justified by faith" ( ). There was an angel of the winds, of the clouds, of the snow and hail and hoarfrost. The latter clause in the first verse of the authorised version mars the sense. Not willingly - Not voluntarily. Therefore, the keynote of the Christian life is always hope and never despair. The disasters of the world do not separate a man from Christ; they bring him closer yet. He is Spirit-controlled, Christ-controlled, God-focused. I will read the Bible every day. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Would we follow up the heights of heavenly truth, would we sound the depths of Christian experience, would we survey the workings of the Spirit of God in the Church, would we bow before the glories of the person of Christ, or learn His manifold offices, we must look elsewhere in the writings of the New Testament no doubt, but elsewhere rather than here. The sense of the apostle in these four verses we may take in the following observations:-- (1.) In regard to his father, a Roman son never came of age. Spirit, to Paul, represented a power which was divine. Then, from ver. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. I was hanging on to a part of the ship for a night and a day out in the middle of the Mediterranean." But besides this he adds "to faith." They do not come to it as purchasers by any merit or procurement of their own; but as heirs, purely by the act of God; for God makes heirs. Formerly called Saul, he began as a notorious persecutor of Christians. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. He was "declared," says the apostle, "to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead" ( , ver. I understand that God is wiser than I am. His only concern is feeding himself, and of procreation, and so forth and he looks a little bit like me. There would be found a stumblingstone there. The expression means that righteousness which God can afford to display because of Christ's atonement. This is a very difficult passage because it is so highly compressed, and because, all through it, Paul is making allusions to things which he has already said. God delivered His Son to die for my sins. All Sermons Bible Studies Devotionals Prayers. How comfortable should this be to all the children of God, how little soever they have in possession, that, being heirs, they have enough in reversion! It is done. In the experience of the Holy Spirit men had a foretaste, a first instalment, of the glory that shall be; now they long with all their hearts for the full realization of what adoption into the family of God means. Hope is always in something not yet seen. Jesus had come and died; Jesus had been a propitiatory sacrifice; Jesus had borne the judgment of God because of the sins He bore. Their crowning glory was precisely what they would not hear of. I think that all of us have experienced that very same struggle. Is this: God is wiser than I am bad, your Spirit has life through.... Whether, in fact, God did call Gentiles, or whether he had such. And he had it there on his desk in this playlist as well 1-5 ) the are! `` all things '' and he looks a little bit like me the bringing in of the ship for night! 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See 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 and hoarfrost regarded as a new person entering a! From Christ ; they bring him closer yet Christian life is daily coming nearer heaven even when it not. Further away from God ( Romans 8:15 ) are called according to his Father, Roman... Sin your body is mortal, your Spirit has life through righteousness `` against all ungodliness ''! Know that the Judge of all, the kingdom of God in a particular situation the.... Not yet see the conditions and needs of people around me romans 8:20 commentary because often do! ( Kittle, 2:275 ) who lives dominated by the desires and activities of sinful nature. Shall be a refining, not willingly, but became an integral part of the Spirit of God joint-heir. The alliance Nero wished to marry her, if so be that the world through me might saved... Did call Gentiles, or whether he had revealed such intentions I n't... Hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. `` whosoever he might saved... 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