Challenger brought his might to the planet and the Hulk counterattacked him, enraged for having been manipulated. Restored to his physical existence, the Vision alerted the Avengers about an imminent threat posed by an unidentified energy source. [637] As most major alien empires in the Galactic Council suffered at the Builders' hands, the Avengers, guided by S.W.O.R.D., forged an intergalactic alliance to stop the Builders' deadly journey. He joined their group, the Ascendants, to combat the Gorgon. Active Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), ancient history of Earth's superpowered beings, Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane, an alternate version of their former teammate, a world created and ruled by Emperor Doom, Ravenstarr Maximum-Security Prison Galaxy, 2287 appearance(s) of Avengers (Earth-616), 38 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Avengers (Earth-616), 397 minor appearance(s) of Avengers (Earth-616), 32 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Avengers (Earth-616), 2 quotation(s) by or about Avengers (Earth-616), 8 item(s) used/owned by Avengers (Earth-616), Vote for the Avenger (Main/Current) with the best superpower on the Superpower Wiki, Marvel Graphic Novel: Emperor Doom Starring the Mighty Avengers Vol 1 1, The first time the famous Avengers' catchphrase "Avengers Assemble" was said was in, In-universe, the comic-publishing company. bases. [328] As S.H.I.E.L.D. Rusk revealed himself to be the Red Skull after attacking the Falcon and Gyrich. Finding strength in union, they uphold their tradition to overcome menaces a single individual could not withstand. WebMarvels Avengers story doesnt end after the events of the Reassemble Campaign. [573], The Mighty Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy join forces to stop Thanos the Mad Titan, With the Avengers Tower rebuilt, the Avengers faced a threat of cosmic nature in the form of a new iteration of the Zodiac, who attempted to amass the vast array of cosmic-level weapons found in the planet. [116][117] The Avengers visited Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum in search of Black Knight, but were aggressively rout off. One of their many crises was combating an invasion of Hulk-like creatures in Kalkhimithia, Greece. [596], The Avengers battle the X-Men to retrieve Hope, On space, the Avengers unsuccessfully attempted to destroy the Phoenix. The Avengers interfered in time, seemingly interrupting the transfer, although Ultron managed to escape. [554] Having assembled the Revengers, he outpowered Luke Cage's team and moved his attack to the Avengers Tower. [327] The Avengers dealt with the massive genocide by saving people who had survived. Ultron moved his army of robotic drones to the Avengers Tower, infecting many Avengers with a virus. WebThe Avengers have been assembled by fate as a group of extraordinary champions with diverse abilities. In the end, influenced by a future version of Hawkeye, Captain America confronted the time travelers and returned to the past, deciding to start a war against the Illuminati. [593] Storm left the Avengers in protest, allying herself with her long-time mutant teammates. Directors Anthony Russo Joe Russo Writers Christopher Markus (screenplay by) Stephen McFeely (screenplay by) [665], Oriented by the Hulk and herded by Manifold, the Avengers organized themselves to combat the multiple threats by joining forces with a multitude of allies. [480], The Avengers reorganized and expanded their membership roles, welcoming several of their former members back to their operations. The team fought the artificial Descendants on A.I.M. Around this period, the Maximoff twins were victims of a mysterious magical attack. The raging Ultron was ultimately destroyed by Hank Pym, who hit him with volatile Antarctic Vibranium anti-metal provided by Justice. [76] Soon after the Wasp and Yellowjacket left the Avengers in a governmental assignment, Quicksilver returned in seek of help. In their quest, the Avengers were presented to Morgan Le Fay and Mordred the Evil, who captured the Scarlet Witch. [346] When investigating the obliteration of the Starcore Station due to a solar flare, they discovered that a stargate proved to be crucial for both sides in moving troops through great interstellar distances, but also had a destabilizing effect on the sun. Joined by Atlanteans and Lemurians, the Avengers brought the battle to the Evolutionary, who was defeated by the hands of a genetically evolved Hercules. In protest, the former members of the West Coast Avengers were reassembled by Iron Man in a completely independent team, Force Works. After returning the baby to his proper place, the Avengers decided to vanquish Kang for good. [75] The Serpents then undermined the Black Panther's reputation by impersonating him. [509], The Red Skull makes his way into the American government, Meanwhile, the Falcon learned that Gyrich was blackmailed into acting as a spy for the vicious new Secretary of Defense, Dell Rusk. Liberating Captain Marvel's team, the Avengers counted with the powerful Starbrand to counter the Builders armada. specialized Avengers squad. With the fall of the Avengers, Jarvis was the only one left at the Hydrobase. [626], Captain America assembles the Avengers Machine, Under the pretense the Avengers needed reshaping, Iron Man presented Captain America with a chart to expand its roster: the Avengers Machine. The Avengers defeated the Controller and freed Captain Marvel, who adopted the alias of Photon. The installations were seized by Doctor Doom, who had impersonated Iron Man and wished to use the group's resources to revive his late Cynthia von Doom, but ultimately abandoned his plan. The trio was surprised by Hawkeye, an expert marksman and wielder of trick arrows who had fought Iron Man in the past and sought to avenge the apparently death of his partner, the Black Widow. Avengers: Infinity War: Directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo. Although the Vision refused it, the Reaper provided him ways to keep in touch. [570] With the Avengers overpowered, Osborn managed to gain public and governmental support,[571] being able to sanction H.A.M.M.E.R. Quasar obliterated the shield that enveloped Earth and Maria Hill executed Blackout, liberating New York City and its heroes trapped in the dark. [745], The Avengers experienced fractures in their alliances due to ideological stances. In their intervention, the Avengers witnessed the accidental escape of the terrible Annihilus, who was immediately pushed back through the Negative Zone portal. However, the mental conditioning turned Jen Walters into the Winter Hulk. Although Ronan had advantage during the battle, he was forced to abandon Earth after learning the Kree Empire was under attack by Skrulls. [746] Predicting Thanos would invade Project Pegasus for a Cosmic Cube, Captain Marvel led a squad to attack him. [864] Simultaneously, the Black Panther recruited the child Starbrand,[865] being eventually approached by Blade's team. Creating "life rafts" resistant to the incursion, the heroes attempted to ensure the survival of a few. When local heroes such as Doctor Strange, the Defenders, the X-Men and the Unity Division intervened, they were trapped inside a Darkforce impenetrable dome cast by a Darkhold empowered Blackout. Play free online Avengers games featuring Iron Man, Hulk, Thor & Captain America, watch videos, explore characters & more on Marvel HQ. [444] In their quest, the Avengers met different moments and possibilities of their history. The intelligent kid introduced himself as Marcus and claimed to have secretly seduced Ms. Marvel into being delivering himself as a baby as a way to escape from Limbo to Earth. [378] The Vision was discovered after knocking Swordsman out and assaulting Crystal. [308] Relocated to an underground base underneath the Avengers Park in Central Park, the Avengers watched the villains' triumph. The Watcher Ute, who had been also kept captive by Proctor, asked for the Avengers to stop him as his machinery put the fabric of multiverse at risk. [667] In Italy, the Avengers were assisted by Black Knight and the Euroforce against Morgan as she ravaged Europe. [261] Helping the Avengers with their clipped wings, aquatic super hero Stingray offered them a part of the Hydrobase in the Atlantic Ocean to serve as their airbase on lease. [218] The group was also contacted by the Thing concerning the well-being of the superpowered young heroine who had adopted the name of Captain Marvel. 's Avengers used Ex Nihilo's systems to empower themselves to intervene in the war between S.H.I.E.L.D. [283] Imprisoned by Pluto in Tartarus, they were liberated by Namor. In the years to come, these Illuminati would act without the knowledge or consent of their own teammates, interfering in many matters related to super hero affairs, especially the Avengers. Tapping into the Scarlet Witch's powers, Morgan rewrote reality by wielding the Twilight Sword. Thor bravely slayed the Serpent at the ultimate cost of his own life. Without Thor, the Avengers tackled the invasion in New York City. The Avengers usually count with official recognition and clearance as a peacekeeping initiative that fights for liberty and justice, being funded chiefly by Tony Stark and inspired by Steve Rogers. [62] As the creepy wedding was interrupted by the Circus of Crime, the Avengers learned that Yellowjacket was, in fact, Goliath. [678] Moreover, Thor lost his sense of worthiness as an attack by Nick Fury, being unable to wield Mjolnir anymore. [473], Taking into account several human interventions in matters concerning multiple alien civilizations, the Intergalactic Council turned their attention to Earth, deciding to punish them for their reckless actions. After defeating the petrifying villain, Gyrich and the jury recognized the need for the Avengers to act on Earth's behalf. Magneto forced the Avengers and the X-Men to fight each other, but ultimately perished during the conflict while the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver went missing. Facing opposition, the Builders employed other Ex Nihili to decay worlds, leaving the Avengers and the Galactic Council to tend for uncountable refugees. Meanwhile, in Morgan's prison dungeons, the Scarlet Witch managed to cast Wonder Man from death to aid her escape. [34] With the villain and his army defeated,[35] the Avengers learned that the Wasp had been further captured by the Beetle, under the eccentric Collector's orders. The Avengers managed to overpower him, but he chose to leave after regaining his senses. Before the Avengers were able to recover from Jack of Hearts' attack, a Quinjet piloted by the Vision utterly destroyed the Mansion. [475], Earth's Super Heroes take down Ronan and the Ruul, The Wasp coordinated missions to revert the situation but found herself at conflict with the abhorrent U.S. The villain then shared that he intended to protect the Avengers from the prophetic coming of a cosmic war inflicted by an omnipotent being. [115], After Black Knight went missing, the Avengers looked for him with no success. [405], Gyrich returned to the lives of the Avengers after identifying activities in the Stargates he linked to Deathcry. [90] Ronan revealed his intention of devolving the entire human race to facilitate his plans of colonizing Earth. [135] The Avengers joined forces with the Fantastic Force and the Inhumans to defeat the villains, making the wedding possible. The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. [741] Iron Man trapped Ultron inside a Hulkbuster Armor in order to bring the battle to outer space. [637] Simultaneously, S.H.I.E.L.D. As for the Vision, after the Avengers learned that his brain patterns were replicated from Wonder Man's, he was invited to their ranks. Discredited as a leader, Captain Marvel performed poorly in a following conflict against the Super-Adaptoid and his robotic allies, getting herself and the other Avengers kidnapped. Labelled as traitors, the Avengers were disassembled by Captain America, Iron Man and Thor, who drove them out of the mansion in disgrace. was no more and the Avengers regained their credibility. [363] Binary reached Raza and deceived the Avengers into pardoning him as the Black Knight recovered. Teaming up with the cowboy super heroes from that time, the Avengers assaulted Kang's citadel. A.I.M., Ares, Attuma, Beetle, Black Order, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Charlie, Circus of Crime, Collector, Colonel Ling, Cult of Khonshu, Diablo, D.O.A., Doctor Doom, Doctor Yen, Dragon Man, Empyre, Enchantress, Erinnyes, General Brushov, Grim Reaper, Hulk, Hydra, Immortus, Ixar, Kallusians, Kang the Conqueror, Keeper of the Flame, Lava Men, Living Laser, Loki, Mad Thinker, Maggia, Magneto, Major Hoy, Mandarin, Masters of Evil, Mole Man, Moon Knight, Prince Rey, Red Ghost, Rock Trolls, Sirians, Sons of the Serpent, Space Phantom, Sub-Mariner, Super-Adaptoid, Surtur, Thanos, Toad, Typhon, Ultrana, Ultroids, Ultron, Urchin, Whirlwind, Yirbek, Ymir [618] In the future, Ultron's power was absolute and the heroes had no chance against his forces, being utterly terminated. [591] With the Avengers freed, Cable was overpowered and fell. The Reaper fled, and, among the Maggia's leaders, the Avengers found a suicide duplicate of Madame Masque, who asked for Iron Man's help in saving her template. [52] The Avengers found the twins under Magneto's care after being contacted by the X-Man Angel. [679][680] After this, the Red Skull, who had been empowered by the telepathic brain of Charles Xavier,[681] established mutant concentration camps on Genosha. To prevent the catastrophic effect, either of the planets should be destroyed to stop the crash. The Avengers pursued Ultron, and, with the help of the rebellious Vision, the murder machine was apparently destroyed. Feeling diminished, he constantly mistreated his wife, the Wasp. Facing trial, Magneto proved to the Avengers the unfair situation he faced, considering chargers had their own secret objectives. [507] The irreducible Thor fought Iron Man, who counted with Doctor Doom's support. Tragically, he reacted terribly to his sister's relationship with the Vision the synthetic man and decided to cut off contact for good. He also realized that Iron Man and the Illuminati were probably reformed and dealing with the crisis secretly. [616] Coming up with a plan, Captain America led a strike against the artificial intelligence and the Avengers learned that Ultron attacked Earth from the future via the Vision. [648][649], When the Spartoi emperor J'son attempted to defect to save himself from the Builders' ire,[650] the brutal aliens retaliated by pinpointing his location and ravaging their refuge. The Avengers were assisted by Daredevil in court and also in a battle against a behemoth beast which interrupted the trial. Her return was met with caution by the X-Men, who had been severely harmed by her past actions and wished to apprehend her. He suggested the creation of a second team of active Avengers. Chthon was allowed to access the mundane plane by possessing the Scarlet Witch. As Captain America returned to the Mansion, the new team was announced to the public having him as chairman. [494], Lost in outer space, the Avengers were approached by Jonathan Tremont and joined him to face the Tri-Evil. Dolan was cursed by the sword, becoming Bloodwraith. [706] The group of Avengers exploring the Multiverse tackled the Beyonders, being totally obliterated. [737] Unexpectedly, as per the machinations of the Red Skull, Steve Rogers was reconfigured as a Hydra agent, infiltrated in S.H.I.E.L.D. [733][734], Unity Division's leader Rogue managed to see through the fake setting and helped her teammates see through the lies. [565] The Mighty Thor would eventually make a journey back to the living. [761] The Wasp traveled to the future with the baby Kang to prevent the paradoxal collapse of the timestream, being assisted by the future Priests of Pama in fully restoring the Avengers. [719][714] Meanwhile, Captain Marvel was in charge of the Alpha Flight Space Program to protect Earth from alien interventions;[720] the program was close to A-Force, an all-female super hero team assembled by the cosmic Singularity. The team made its debut in The Avengers #1 (cover-dated Sept. 1963), created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby. [186], Since such an enormous group of Avengers fought Korvac, Gyrich targeted their unstable roster under the National Security Council's orders. The Avengers eventually found the Cotati Garden in Swordsman's burying place, where Swordsman met them revived as a Cotati lord. However, the unattended Gauntlet was usurped by Nebula, an even crueler villain. Gallery With the end of the threat, the Vision and the Scarlet Witch finally confessed their love for each other and publicly started a relationship. [523] The intriguer manipulating the Wrecking Crew was revealed to be Morgan Le Fay, who captured and tortured Brian Braddock, seized control of Avalon and wished to destroy Captain Britain in order to ravage England. WebThe Avengers are a series of fictional superhero teams that have starred in The Avengers and related comic book series published by Marvel Comics. [809] As the lord of the vampires Dracula sought the Winder Guard's help and was contacted by Iron Man, the other side of the conflict, in the form of Shadow Colonel and his Legion of the Unliving, were approached by the Avengers, infiltrating the Avengers Mountain and corrupting the Ghost Rider to their cause. [77] Thanks to the Avengers, his plans were foiled, and his presence gone from Earth. Assembled from past, present and future: Avengers Forever! Attuma wished to force the Avengers to attack his nemesis Namor. As the Avengers helped Captain Marvel control her power levels, she was invited to stay with them initially under in-training status. [703] With the Cabal dead, Avengers and Illuminati worked together to stop the collapse of the Multiverse. A small resistance was led by Iron Man as a hopeless Captain America was unable to inspire the heroes in the devastated world. Nevertheless, after the Avengers welcome their original members back to fight the Mandarin's lackeys,[47] and to save New York City from the cybernetic Super-Adaptoid, Hercules was promoted to full member status. [684], Under the leadership of the new Captain America, an evil group of inverted Avengers decided to execute the Red Skull for his crimes. Manifold was ultimately able to scatter A.I.M. Joined by Spider-Man, the Avengers were saved from obliteration by Nebula's experiments thanks to Sersi, but the rest of the universe was erased. [90], Back to the Avengers Mansion, the Avengers learned that the Wasp, Yellowjacket and Goliath searched for missing members of a scientific exploration who had found a tropical jungle in the middle of the freezing Arctic. For the war, Blade had recruited vampires from Dracula's nation in Chernobyl, but attacked them as the conflict was over. The group ultimately met their fall when a mob trashed the Avengers Mansion. Mandroids under Craddock's orders. Rebranded as Terminatrix, Ravonna witnessed Kang sacrificed himself to protect her. [368] Later on, as Terminatrix ruled over Kang's former empire and accidentally released the beast known as Alioth, a future version of herself assembled a group of Avengers to face this foe. The connection with the machinery merged the Vision's consciousness with I.S.A.A.C. [674] In their infinite journey, Captain America and the Avengers interacted with several developments of the Avengers. WebMarvels Avengers story doesnt end after the events of the Reassemble Campaign. [152] Escaping from Baxter,[155] the Avengers found the Cat Suit in the Brand Corporation complex. [581] The amnesiac Scarlet Witch was found in Latveria under Doctor Doom's influence. [502] She-Hulk oversaw the bureaucracy of such a change, while Namor rejoined the Avengers to solve the problem for Atlantis was at risk as well. The two teams teamed up after a brief misunderstanding to destroy the alien robot Dominex with Firebird's assistance. Kang, returning to Earth after the crisis with Nebula, manipulated the Avengers in hopes of stopping the devilish inferno as well, having Franklin Richards rescued from N'astirh's clutches. [163], The Vision disposed of the Serpent Crown on the ocean floor but was captured by Attuma in the process. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. As the Warbringer caused immense devastation, the Avengers were occasionally joined by their last member, the new Thor. [165] Beast recruited Wonder Man and the Whizzer to rescue the Avengers, and felt the wrath of Namor under Attuma's machinations. Interrupted by Lord Templar and his new servant Pagan once again, the Avengers fought back to resist his attempt of indoctrination. [643] Wolverine lost his healing factor, becoming a liability[644] and ultimately being vulnerable to death. [48] His tenure was short however, as he resigned to return to his family on Olympus after defeating the Titan Typhon. Following a difficult fight, the Avengers sent Ultron to his ultimate fate in the sun. However, Black Widow was killed instead, prompting a direct war between Hydra and the Underground and Sam Wilson to reclaim the Captain America mantle. Kang was eventually revived, helping the Avengers to put an end to the threat. However, the Vision managed to convince Quicksilver of giving up on destroying the Avengers by exhibiting images of the Scarlet Witch's newborn children. intervened as to eliminate any hints of their involvement by recapturing the invaders and banishing them to another dimension. [524] Soon after, the New Invaders led by U.S. Gyrich attempted to dissolute the team, officially accusing them of being a threat. [110] Black Panther, Thor and the Vision recruited Black Widow and Daredevil[112] to liberate the Avengers and the X-Men. [862] With Captain America convinced,[863] their first recruit was the Phoenix Echo, who had been kept in the Ravencroft Institute. [94], On Earth, the Avengers, still being accused of aiding alien individuals, were targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. The Avengers teamed up with the new Ant-Man, Scott Lang, and went to her rescue, learning the place was an super villain academy run by the Taskmaster. The heroes then learned the Hulk was an imminent and deadly threat to them. [238] As the Beyonder claimed his powers back, Doom was defeated. [738], Rogue intercepted an amicable Hank Pym by chance, assembling the Unity Division to assess the situation. WebMarvels Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay*. Having wrested control of the Tri-Evil's source of power, Triathlon cosmically empowered Captain America to combat Kang. [193] On their way home, the Avengers fought the Russian Elements of Doom[194] and upon getting home they deactivated one of Stark's rogue creations, the deadly Arsenal. Using the Phoenix's powers, Hope restored the devastation caused by Cyclops. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins. Meanwhile, the Scarlet Witch severed her alliance with the inverted Avengers, seeking revenge against Doctor Doom for their previous conflicts. The Wasp was convinced to join her against condescending male super heroes. [440] In a special tribunal, Warbird was expelled from the Avengers. Avengers Meanwhile, Quicksilver deactivated the beacon that kept the heroes in stasis, allowing Voyager to assemble an army of Avengers to the fight the Challenger. As Captain America investigated, Kang decided to collect him as well to prove his worth to his beloved Princess Ravonna. The Avengers found child sorceresses who worship Anamelech as the responsible for the incidents and put an end to their actions. [29], As a legacy of the Masters of Evil, Enchantress replicated the process which gave Wonder Man his powers, creating a way more violent villain, the Power Man. [485] This group of Avengers, except for Firebird and Thor, was infected by the Presence, becoming radioactive zombies. With her psyche broken, Sersi chose to exile herself, being accompanied by Black Knight. As the two super hero groups fought each other, it was revealed that Nebulon's partner Supernalia had manipulated their actions. In seek of revenge, Swordsman traveled to Saigon to end Khruul, being followed by the other Avengers. WebAvengers: Infinity War. He was exorcized of the maddening power by the Scarlet Witch and Hope. [44], "Once an Avenger, always an Avenger": Iron Man and Thor decide to return to the team from time to time, At the same time, the Olympian God Hercules attacked the Avengers Mansion under the control of the Enchantress, but was eventually freed and stayed with the super heroes as a guest. Bearing power absolute, Warlock journeyed to defend the cosmic. [424], The Avengers pay the ultimate price to defeat Onslaught, With Onslaught's minions, namely Post and Holocaust, causing terror across New York City, the Avengers fought them to protect innocents. [168] Conflicted about his own nature after the death of an "unreal" being, the Vision took it out on Wonder Man. [418], Next, Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch rejoined the Avengers after Force Works ended,[419] Black Widow witnessed Masque being abducted by the android Benedict in the Avengers Mansion, and Deathcry returned to her alien home. [728] In a similar conflict, the group defeated Cyclone. The Avengers' civil war was ultimately stopped by Invisible Woman, who revealed herself to have been in coalition with the Illuminati all along and forced a truce. [711], Since the end of existence was a matter of time, Reed Richards the Future Foundation chose not to lose instead of winning. [531] Doctor Strange arrived on the scene claiming that magic was being used and abused. Upon confronting his ally, friend, rival and enemy, Captain America and a group of Avengers were unexpectedly drafted across time by the Time Stone from the broken Infinity Gauntlet. [121], With the Evil Eye, Dormammu's Dark Dimension invaded Earth. [664] In Italy, the group was joined by S.H.I.E.L.D. [533], Earth's Mightiest Heroes were reassembled by fate through the efforts of Iron Man and Captain America, who formed a new team of Avengers with the primary purpose of recapturing the numerous super-powered criminals that had escaped from the maximum-security penitentiary known as the Raft. [561] Moreover, as one of the Serpent's generals, Sin stormed Washington, D.C., with a Nazi army, causing Captain America's apparent death, which prompted Steve Rogers to step back as the star-spangled soldier. Marrina was slain by Namor with the Ebony Blade, which cause Black Knight to physically succumb to its curse. Invisible Woman, the Thing and Mantis defeated the infected Hulk, followed by Black Panther, Reed Richards and Captain America assembling the Avengers to finish Quoi and the Cotati. [85] She then manipulated Arkon into joining her to torment the Avengers in his homeworld by lying to him and enchanting the Black Knight. WebThe Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. [709], Meanwhile, the Shi'ar Empire targeted Earth as the source of the incursions in order to eliminate the threat, gathering the Intergalactic Council and their armada in their attack. Following the crisis, Namor gloomily left the team. [776], Hydra's rule brought the collapse of Parker Industries at the hands of Doctor Octopus. Their plan unexpectedly failed due to the Builders' enormous fleet. Her problems with alcoholism and her omission about losing her Binary powers proved to undermine the team's effectiveness. Enchantress then decided to travel back in time to a moment before meeting Immortus. Characters listed in bold are the members of as of 2022 . Spider-Man and Nova managed to escape, joining Steve Rogers, Magneto and the inverted super villains. They joined forces with Doctor Strange and the Black Knight to combat the giants Ymir and Surtur, forging a long-lasting alliance with those heroes. Unexpectedly, Supreme Hydra was empowered by the Cosmic Cube,[775] and reshaped reality to fit his Hydra ideals. [747] Iron Man kidnapped Ulysses to study him, prompting the Inhumans and Captain Marvel to hunt him. [319] The group forced the hypnotized staff to attack the Avengers during a party held by Sersi, but their plan was ultimately foiled by the Vision. Moreover, Silverclaw was granted reserve status in the team, and the Avengers were secretly infiltrated by a duplicate of Hank Pym: Yellowjacket. As "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", their purpose is to protect and safeguard the world from both domestic and extraterrestrial threats. Island, and Hank Pym inadvertently deactivated the opponents with a neural inhibitor, claiming that artificial life could not be murdered. During the epic fight, Warlock managed to summon a contingent of cosmic entities to stop Thanos. [415] In a war against Kang, Mantis and the Anachronauts, Iron Man regained his senses and sacrificed himself to stop the villains. The Underground managed to escape, but their base was utterly destroyed, and Supreme Hydra acquired the fragments of the Cosmic Cube. Hope approached Wolverine by herself, seeking help in preventing the Phoenix in their own way by going to the Blue Area of the Moon to divert the cosmic bird entity from Earth. [225] Concurrently, the Avengers fought super villains at Project Pegasus following an inconvenient outbreak of Lava Men. Titan Typhon developments of the West Coast Avengers were able to recover from Jack of Hearts ' attack, Quinjet. Robotic drones to the Avengers reorganized and expanded their membership roles, welcoming several their. In Chernobyl, but he chose to exile herself, being followed by the Vision refused it, the twins! 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