Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. Im surprised Timmy stuck around for as long as he did. I hope he realizes that unless you stand up for him and put your dumb ass family in their place - he should move on. It's obvious they have preconceived ideas on what a real man is (going so far to risk your finances health). Cookie Notice They are cruel and bordering on criminal behavior. The fact OP is STILL considering letting them come to the wedding is also a problem. OP, these arent pranks. I have asthma. Mom cheated on stepdad a year ago and he left us. How exactly is he supposed to fix slashed tires himself other than buying new ones and replacing them. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. NTA, Damn, well said! They haven't learned their lesson, they're showing no remorse, and they refuse to accept they crossed a line. OP need to step up an explain to her family what prank are and what is and isn't appropriate to do because they clearly don't know/care. First have the conversation with your fianc if he even wants them there. For a joke that isn't even funny. I hope they compensated him for the slashed tires! Perfect. He should have checked them a long time ago. That's what I was thinking & why I suggested elopement. Tell them that real men don't need such immature posturing. NTA, dont do what your mother says, shes clearly just given up or doesnt want to stand up to them and start fights. Seriously. Did they think you'd break the engagement if he doesn't meet their criteria? They already disregard his health before, they interrogate him, make him pass test What made her think it would be different? The mom is completely off-base. You need to take your fianc and get the hell away from the pack, because theyre already turning on you now that youre stepping out of line and it will only get more vicious. Could be either! NTA. I literally stopped breathing 3 times as an infant/toddler from it. Hiding his inhaler was incredibly stupid and they are the ones that should be apologizing and begging for forgiveness so that the family relationship will not be ruined. Jesus. All the best to you both with your marriage! This shit should've ended the moment it began. They are a bunch of nasty men and they have created the wedge with their ridiculous behaviour. I mean what was the challenge supposed to be exactly? What a nightmare. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. She's growing as a person and learning how to step up for her new family. They never should have been in a position to keep going. If you give in, they'll keep thinking that their bullying is acceptable or funny. Who shows you affection and makes you happy and feel loved? Men are less likely to seek out mental healthcare, and have much higher rates of completing suicide. Thats not pranking. Thats lets see how much abuse we get away with with the new guy so we can keep having fun being worthless bullies.. An inhaler is necessary medical equipment your fiance needs, not an accessory because he's "soft". Because if she has an asthma attack and is more than 3 feet from one, she will die. Judge, it was just a joke! They are driving a wedge. Stand up to your fianc. I even got ignored by her extended family for a year because, when visiting their trailer for a weekend, I waited for instruction instead of just "jumping in and doing it" when they were rebuilding docks, something I'd never experienced before. Since I assume none of them are medical professional, how exactly where they planning on testing his asthma? NTA. I'm 33 M and I recently went back to college for a BFA. Except that the fiance's side of the family hasn't done anything wrong that we know of, and maybe OP and her fiance want a wedding. Im really fired up over this apparently. Id go no contact if my family acted like that. Your male family members sound like toxic sexist AH, who love bullying under the pretense of how manly they are. I want the uncle to argue it was just a prank to a judge. NTA this is toxic masculinity and honestly who tf hides an inhaler from an asthmatic?! Show your mom this thread so she can see that most normal people do not think it was okay AT ALL. What if you had a son? Somehow, they dont understand how serious their actions are. NTA - those things might be what they do to test people but it isn't what "men do". They might show up anyway and cause an embarrassing scene for "pranks" and revenge. He wants YOU to drive a wedge between you two and your family but he's too much of an actual "real man" to ask you to make that kind of decision. Your fianc deserves your support and protection from your asshole family members. I'm struggling with being proud of you for setting boundaries whilst being equally as upset for not stopping this bullying (don't you ever dare call it a prank again, the fact that even you're calling it that is so infuriatingly insulting that I cant even put it into words) much earlier. NTA. The 2021 child tax credit was temporarily expanded from ,000 per child 16 years old and younger to ,600 for children age 5 and younger and to. These aren't pranks. Honestly, your family is dangerously abusive and toxic. Time to report them to the police for their legitimately criminal behaviour, and they can discover how manly they are in the face of a police investigation. It seems uour fiance has been rejected from the toxic masculinity club. NTA, in my opinion you're getting a pretty good deal, cutting one toxic member of your family out and a few enablers are going with them. I am not jealous of any person forced to choose between their brothers and a parent. Get away from your family, theyre even bigger assholes. Life saving medication! (I was diagnosed at the urgent care with a failing galbladder. Their pranks have been unacceptable - in some cases criminal and in the case of the inhaler, something that could have landed them a manslaughter charge in the worst case scenario. That true men dont behave like that and only insecure little ones who dont know how to control emotions or have no ethics do. NTA that's not pranks, that's bullying. Lets swap his face wash with acid to see if his skin is strong like a real man! This is toxic masculinity at it's finest. These people are sick, and they stay in a pack to reinforce each others sickness. I find it funny they wanted to know his stance on gender equality while simultaneously having him participate in the most toxic masculinity bs ever. Will they get the same abuse? NTA. You should have stopped this at the very least when they slashed his tires, but even before then, the idea that they need to test his manliness is infantilizing, misogynistic, and toxic as hell. Im not speaking from hyperbole here. You're TA for continuing to subject your fiance to them. On the other hand all the mentioned family members have disproven themselves and nobody wants toxic, unpredictable bullies on their wedding or in their house even. Bro thats kinda gay./s. I'm sure that if you let them back in, they're going to haze your fiance more. The moment they started with their shit you should have put a stop to it. After texting thier wives for the address haha. Your family ruined the relationship and they should be thankful if you and your fianc/husband ever even talk to them in my opinion. 2) There is nothing wrong with the name Timmy. What if he had an asthma attack whilst driving back to you. This is the man you are going to marry. Yep. Stand your ground. None of those pranks are funny. pranks have no lasting impact, aside from a shared laugh in the future. I can't believe he is still there. Study after study has shown that men presenting with the same symptoms as women are more likely to be listened to, taken seriously, and receive appropriate & timely medical care. NTA. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. From expensive property damage to verbal abuse to life threatening actions. Want you to be happy? TPing a house is a prank. The toxic masculinity is strong in this one. NTA by far. Why didnt OP put a stop to this years ago and go NC with these idiots? NAH But honestly you have to have a talk with her and explain what youre feeling. They dont seem to have any!! Being in that environment sounds toxic as hell. Also, as an asthmatic, I can say that if anyone did that to me, I would never trust them in my home or around me ever again. Did they pay for the tyres? Seriously, these arent pranks. My dad (50 M) and I (24 F) have had a complicated relationship. Just to make sure they didn't need help. This is toxic masculinity and for what exactly? Yeah, sarcastic tones like "he should just man up and breathe good" totally give it away lol, putting an /s on an obvious joke is a little degrading for the joke, I have friends who are on the autism spectrum and the /s makes it a lot easier for them to be able to tell if someone being sarcastic over text. You are absolutely correct, there is a big difference between prancing and bullying, and OPs family is on the wrong side of that gap. Had your SO had an attack, and not been able to find his medication, panic could have set in. shes 16 and knows what shes doing, but i could be overreacting. For me, the slashed tires would be the moment where I call the police. Seriously. Put it on what respect can Tim, and YOU, possibly have for them after this? Was thinking the same. Like wtf did I just read. I wouldnt invite them either. Doesn't matter if it's family or not! Especially men with small minds that have a lot of toxic masculinity going on. He's probably wondering if it's worth the toxicity and danger to his actual life right about now. They're your family to handle and you should have shut this sort of behavior down fast without Tim asking you to. She can only see these actions through the lens of it being normal teasing. My husband races autocross, our tires are more expensive than I like to think. Slashing tires isnt a prank. Its destruction of private property and vandalism. So funny. Why were you even associating with them?! NTA and the men in your family is not testing him to see if he's a real man there testing him to see if he has toxic masculinity like them. Obviously NTA for your particular behaviour here, but YTA for not shutting that down immediatly. What about your future child if you have a boy? The fact he still wants to continue in this relationship says a lot about his feelings for you. Leave these people far behind! So, NTA, and you're totally right in cutting them off. How is that funny? to be honest, if I were your fianc Id reconsider marrying you if you didnt put your foot down here. If you listen to your mom and re-invite them, you don't deserve your fiance. It was infuriating and that was just a case of bad luck. Closed minded and very much trying to force their world views and interests on others. He still went camping with them after months (years?) Yes but then he wouldn't seem MANLY to them and wouldn't have PROVEN himself if he couldn't go fix ALL 4 tires BY HIMSELF. Nta. Hell get seriously hurt one day. Something like if I brake this plate then dad will beat me and not mom Understanding these types of issues helped me see the patterns in my family an step pit of these roles. I hope this was a wakeup call for you about the type of behavior your willing to allow in your life and the life of the people you love. Sounds sick to me all around. This isn't related at all but I love how you can tell where someone's from based on how they spell tyre! You joke, but men let their toxic/insecure masculinity come between them and lifesaving healthcare. This is definitely your hill to die on. I am assuming your fiance has been putting up with this out of respect for you and your family. This is nauseating. This is bullying. Best of luck. I've changed tires a few times, it's possible but it's just super convenient to let a shop do it and it's safer in my opinion. These pranks are just excuses to be pricks. I'm so sorry you went through that." ~ bdm90. You're siblings are just pissed because now they'll be targeted. NTA. Not only uninvite them, you should cut contact completely. You think they are the only part of the family like this? My mom (39f) remarried after 2 (ish) years and my step dad (49m) has been great for the most part. NTA- for un-inviting your dad, cousin, brother, and uncle from your wedding. Youre a bad girlfriend. Its your turn now to show him he hasnt been wasting his time on someone who wont have his back. You don't invite your bullies to your wedding. Damn your dad is awful. NTA OP, Stick to your guns. This is extremely serious; he could have died. Who works with you to resolve problems? He deserves so much better honestly. I will also add that, even if it doesnt work out with Tim. And I would have dumped OP if she didn't support me in making that move. This "prank" whatever the fuck it is is just an excuse for them to bully your fiance. NTA. He was my hero. Moreover, do you really want people in your life that don't believe ASTHMA is a serious medical condition. There's a difference between pranks and harassment. You know they will play a horrible prank during the ceremony. They need to massively apologize. They TOOK his INHALER. NTA, tell them they're lucky y'all don't press charges for theft, endangerment, and damage to property, and also that you don't snitch on them to their bosses and friends. Also at the same time (not sure if due to asthma or something else causing it) my brain stopped receiving oxygen and I was gasping for air but never actually breathing any in. If I were Tim, I'd have been long gone when she didn't put a stop to it after the first round of "tests.". They are astoundingly in the wrong and you are right to uninvite them. Shes realized now that their behavior is way out of line and is standing up for her fianc and their relationship. Internet Backs Woman Who Uninvited Dad, Brother From Wedding Over Prank By Samantha Berlin On 3/11/22 at 2:41 PM EST Culture Reddit Wedding Family Prank A soon-to-be bride went viral after. As a perosn with Asthma, They are automatically trash in my eyes and don't deserve to be invited to your wedding. Stand your ground. These are NOT pranks. Plus wives will send your ass to the doctor. Those would be considered crimes if the police were called. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. tell your bf to call the cops and get them arrested for the tire slashing. Nta. Id tolerate an event with lots of people where they were there but I didnt have to speak to them. . My cousin is begging that we talk, my uncle has been quiet, but dad is so mad and now he's getting mom involved to get me to reconsider this decision. NTA, you should elope and go NC with this family of bullies. I would be pressing charges for sure. But it means that's not the reason men seek less treatment than women, because if those were the reasons, women would be the ones seeking less help. It should've been stopped long before this. Your family were bullying, harassing, and assaulting your fiance, and until they understand the severity of their actions and apologize, I wouldn't ever allow myself to be alone with them again if I were him. So I 28f am getting married to the love of my life. I called him and the others awful then I left. If youre having children, what will these men do to them, particularly if you have Tims son? I will say though - you NEED to go to bat for him more. Obviously the inhaler thing is fucked but who the fuck slashes their friends tires? What will they do next, cut his brake lines? He deserves better than a spineless wife but thats just my opinion. Yeah TBH if my partners family treated me like this I might be rethinking a lot. I'm sorry, but your family are psychopaths and you and Tim need to get far, far away from them and never look back. I dont know what they intend to prove but they only proved they are mean AH. "It's just a joke!". Tell Tim that loving you is not a free invitation to be disrespected. No, Tim: No, you wouldnt. You allowed it to get this far, far enough that YOUR family jeopardized the health of a man you claim to love. But if you maintain contact with these horrible people or subject your fianc to them in any way y w b t a h. Nope, it would be BANHAMMER from me. If your mother had no input in this I'd have gone with E-S-H instead. People are saying NTA because the question was about whether or not she was TA for uninviting her family from the wedding and not about how good she is to her fianc. OP also says she demanded they stopped and they accused her of ruining the fun. These aren't "pranks" and what sort of fucking adult even "pranks" people anyway. Ask yourself if you would let a stranger treat you this way. Pranks dont cost someone hundreds of dollars to fix or put someones life in danger. NTA. You dont need any of them in your life. For some reason toxically masculine dudes get soooo hard about people not knowing how to change a flat. Dad needs to know his approval would have been nice but is not required. ETA: The contact would have ceased after the slashed tires for me. They arent pranksters, theyre abusive assholes. There could have been serious consequences for their actions. On what planet are the attempted murderers of half the happy couple welcome at their wedding? If they see that as a joke then their heads arent screwed on correctly. Your family is toxic, rude and dangerous! I've had male coworkers of a certain age come to work with unrelenting chest pain. This needing to prove he is a "man" is so toxic. They have it, but it burns everyone around them. And now that you have stood up to them, they've gone crying to Mom. I reached out to her to try and repair our relationship and she dismissed me with an unless you want to go to therapy with me then apology not accepted. Right?! But they were also educated, kind, accepting, loyal. They are criminals acts and dangerous abuse. Agreed. You would also be the asshole if you stay in contact with them and therefore subject Tim to further contact with them as well. He does and if I was him I would seriously consider this relationship because it wont get better. You don't have to invite people to your wedding that are negative. Your male family members are mean and abusive under the guise of pranking and testing. Now I'm not a kid anymore - I'm as old as he was when he became a parent, I own my own home, and I'm going to be handling my household the way he raised me to, with respect for myself and my. Thank you for writing this so that I didnt have to. I literally freaked out because I definately want my brothers to be at my wedding so badly and I tried talking to them but they were being stubborn, after talking to my fiance I had no choice but to politely uninvite my stepdad and sending him an email stating why. That's what I said in another comment too. NTA I have a large amount of male cousin I am female they joke but nothing like what you are describing. OP has been shown who values her and her happiness, and who sees her as worth less than momentary uncomfort. They disrespected the college boy. This instance was fairly obvious but some instances, I genuinely can't tell whether it's sarcasm or not. If my husband do this to me one day, aka letting people bully me, he would find himself very lonely because I'll be gone. NTA you are prioritising yourself and your mental health and thats the right thing to do. dad is so mad and now he's getting mom involved to get me to reconsider this decision. He could have died. Honestly if you continue to enable this behavior you are a terrible partner and Timmy should just not marry you. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I agree. Oh man I just had a discussion about this with two guys in their 50s giving me shit for seeing a doctor and getting a check up. It really fucking is. Id slash all their tires and then dump enough cash in their living room to pay for replacements. I have been rude and made my fair share of mistakes. i cant blame OP because she is too young, she cant probably go no contact with them and the fiance would be in worse situations after the wedding. At what point during his asthma attack would they be able to tell if he was being soft or if it was real? A few years ago he was diagnosed with gout and just flat out denied it was gout and ignored what he was told to do to manage it. They didn't even stick around so if he had an attack, what would he do? For real. These arent pranks. And they are still insisting YOU are wrong for disinviting them. Guarantee they wouldn't find it funny if their tires were randomly slashed as a "prank.". My hubby has asthma and a heart condition and I wouldnt even think to pull this crap. OP, I'm sorry you grew up in such a toxic-masculine environment. Who know what theyll try to pull there? The blaming is another form of abuse (like aftershocks from an earthquake). The thing is, she still acts like she has something to make up for. Stealing his inhaler and dragging him out into the wilderness?? NTA. Sounds like someone is worried that the college boy might be smarter or somehow better than them and they want to take him down a notch. Send them a video of a grown man having an asthma attack. It's helped me to learn how many families with addicts change to fit the addiction. OP and little Timmy should have pranked them back by play acting he had. What I can't figure out is why on Earth OP did not shoot down this "trip" when they know how close members of their family treat their future spouse? Can't people with asthma die from an asthma attack? but the money isnt the problem, im just annoyed with how it all happened. Toxic masculinity all over this story. You have already been uninvited, just let bygones be bygones. AITA for uninviting my stepdad from my wedding so my brothers could come? After a few minutes of raucous razzing, you can hand them a small item and tell them they can remove the straws, taking at first only one regular breath, then back to the straw, then one regular breath, alternating for another 10 minutes. Id cut this family off completely. These men are going to end up killing him. Cut those degenerates out of your life! Asthma can be lethal, especially in a wilderness situation like camping. Also if she had to beg and beg for you to go with her she may have assumed you didn't want to come and she was relieving you of a burden when she cancelled. Nobody can be that stupid. Emphatically NTA, and the wedding should be just one of the family events where theyre not welcome. 8.6K views, 64 likes, 0 loves, 68 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Reddit Addiction: AITA for uninviting my stepdad from my wedding so my. You should have given your dad and brother some kind of excuse for why Tim couldnt go camping. NTA. Hill to die on is a good metaphor because an asthmatic can die without his inhaler. NTA for uninviting them, but for letting your family treat your fiance like that for so long. Some people live paycheck to paycheck and this could break them. I would leave them uninvited and strongly consider NC for the future. NTA seriously don't let them come to the wedding this is disgusting behavior they are bullies. Not because of feelings, certainly, which is what you've described them doing. They waited until he went on a trip with them to steal his inhaler. NTA. and our Im glad you fell far enough from the family tree to speak your mind. NTA, this is horrible. Fuck that that's why I have AAA. At least now the joke is accessible to everyone, even if it somehow dulls the joke somewhat. Who wants to be treated like that for the rest of their life? # redditAITA #redditgermaphobe #entitledpeople 0:00 Intro 0:40 Story 1 Do not invite these toxic men. Words simultaneously have no meaning at all and all of their possible meanings. So it's safe to assume they would have stopped pranking after they "accidentally " killed him? Prank them back by telling them they can come to the wedding and then deny them entry at the door. My parents had been together since they were 14 years old. He was my hero. In his defence we were obviously struggling (the nuts were stuck and our only wrench was build for peak storage efficiency and not torque generation, I think we actually deformed it trying) and he did lend us an X wrench. It might be beneficial for you to also post this in r/raisedbynarcissists and do some research (if you haven't already) on narcissistic parents. These pranks are blatant disrespect for OPs fianc and OP herself. My life (in my childish head) was crushed. Cant have no man treating his daughter like an equal person and human being /s . It's like they're out of It's Always Sunny. If people didn't unironically say stuff like this, then the /s wouldn't be needed, but there are people like that. Go no contact with the lot of them before they ruin your marriage and your children's lives. I agree that OP never thought it was okay. NTA - They tried to kill your fiance. Id take this opportunity to get them out of your life permanently. It's no joke and can be severely deadly. Youre taking the right decision and should be glad that youre mature and sensible enough to realise all this. These guys are bullies. Him not being able to breathe, "Oh look! Or to respect that, for that matter. They literally could have killed him. When I started dating my girlfriend(6 years ago) the first few years were just constant comments of how I was the "city boy" because I never lived in the country and didn't know all sorts of outdoorsy things. If I were Tim I'd be questioning the marriage with a hostile family like that. Theyre just acting sorry because youre making a stink about it. Wtf is your dad smoking? She's not an asshole for being related to shitty people. If I was Tim I'd never see them again, and while I wouldn't or couldn't stop you from being in contact with them, I couldn't understand why you would want to. Male cousin I am female they joke but nothing like what you 've described them doing so 28f... Is, she will die learn how many families with addicts change to the... But it burns everyone around them prove he is a serious medical condition he better... Assume they would n't be needed, but there are people like that to... For why Tim couldnt go camping standing up for her fianc and OP herself toxic! The thing is, is twisted stealing his inhaler and dragging him aita for uninviting my stepdad into the wilderness?. Like camping far aita for uninviting my stepdad risk your finances health ) what they do test... 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Dr Robin Barrett,
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